Command used to build data set containing additional color palettes used by brewscheme.

brewextra – A utility for brewscheme that allows users to add data to their local brewscheme database for use creating new scheme files.


brewextra [, files(string) replace ]


brewextra is used to build a look-up table of RGB values for palettes as part of the Color Brewer research. Additionally, the program also parses the available meta data on the “friendliness” properties of the various color palettes and includes an option to look up those meta data on the fly. Additionally, the program will automatically call the brewextra program to add the other available research-based color palettes to the file when constructed.


files is an optional argument used to pass filenames to the program to be added to the local brewscheme data base. The program also includes some simple validation to hopefully prevent breaking the functionality of brewscheme. Below is the file specification that should guide your construction of files to add to the brewscheme database.

palettestr11%11sName of Color Palette
colorblindbyte%10.0gcolorblindColorblind Indicator
printbyte%10.0gprintPrint Indicator
photocopybyte%10.0gphotocopyPhotocopy Indicator
lcdbyte%10.0glcdLCD/Laptop Indicator
coloridbyte%10.0gWithin pcolor ID for individual color look ups
pcolorbyte%10.0gPalette by Colors Selected ID
rgbstr11%11sRed-Green-Blue Values to Build Scheme Files
maxcolorsbyte%10.0gMaximum number of colors allowed for the palette
seqidstr13%13sSequential ID for property lookups
metastr13%13sMeta-Data Palette Characteristics

replace is an optional argument used to rebuild and overwrite the brewextras.dta file containing the additional palettes used by brewscheme.


Ex 1.

Rebuild the additional palettes included in brewscheme

brewextra, rep