Query color sight impairment values that were previously computed and return in macros.

brewsearch – is a program used to query brewscheme data sources to retrieve RGB values and/or simulated RGB values for different forms of color sight impairment.


brewsearch RGB_varname


brewsearch is a simple program used to search for a color by RGB value or the name of the color and will return the local macros: rgb, achromatopsia, protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia.

Returned Values

Macro NameValue
r(rgb)RGB value looked up by command
r(achromatopsia)Achromatopsia simulated RGB value
r(protanopia)Protanopia simulated RGB value
r(deuteranopia)Deuteranopia simulated RGB value
r(tritanopia)Tritanopia simulated RGB value


Ex 1.

Search for a color using RGB values

// Search an RGB color string
brewsearch "255 127 14"

// Display the returned values
ret li

         r(tritanopia) : "255 117 126"
       r(deuteranopia) : "206 153 0"
         r(protanopia) : "183 162 25"
      r(achromatopsia) : "146 146 146"
                r(rgb) : "255 127 14"

Ex 2.

Example of how errors (e.g., unfound colors) are handled

// Search a named color style that does not exist on the system
brewsearch "xkcd7327"

// Display the returned values
ret li

         r(tritanopia) : "xkcd7327"
       r(deuteranopia) : "xkcd7327"
         r(protanopia) : "xkcd7327"
      r(achromatopsia) : "xkcd7327"
                r(rgb) : "xkcd7327"

Ex 3.

Search for an xkcd named color style

// Search a named color style that does exist if the user installed the XKCD colors
brewsearch "xkcd327"

// Display the returned values
ret li

         r(tritanopia) : "198 236 255"
       r(deuteranopia) : "255 218 50"
         r(protanopia) : "255 231 0"
      r(achromatopsia) : "218 218 218"
                r(rgb) : "168 255 4"

Ex 4.

Search for a Stata named color style

// Display a known color style
brewsearch "ltbluishgray"

// Display the returned values
ret li

         r(tritanopia) : "236 239 255"
       r(deuteranopia) : "255 232 245"
         r(protanopia) : "244 239 241"
      r(achromatopsia) : "240 240 240"
                r(rgb) : "234 242 243"