Command used to generate .theme files used by brewscheme

brewtheme – a program to generate theme files containing scheme file entries for graph independent aesthetics.


brewtheme themeName [, abovebelow(string) anglestyle(string) areastyle(string)           arrowstyle(string) axisstyle(string) barlabelpos(string) barlabelstyle(string)           barstyle(string) bygraphstyle(string) clegendstyle(string) clockdir(string)           color(string) compass2dir(string) compass3dir(string) connectstyle(string)           dottypestyle(string) graphsize(string) graphstyle(string) gridlinestyle(string)           gridringstyle(string) gridstyle(string) gsize(string) horizontal(string)           labelstyle(string) legendstyle(string) linepattern(string) linestyle(string)           linewidth(string) margin(string) medtypestyle(string) numstyle(string)           numticks(string) piegraphstyle(string) pielabelstyle(string) plotregionstyle(string)           relativepos(string) relsize(string) special(string) starstyle(string)           sunflowerstyle(string) symbol(string) symbolsize(string) orientstyle(string)           textboxstyle(string) tickposition(string) tickstyle(string) ticksetstyle(string)           verticaltext(string) yesno(string) zyx2rule(string) zyx2style(string) ]


brewtheme is used to create a file with scheme entries that are primarily used to control/define graph independent/global aesthetic properties for Stata graphs (with a few exceptions related to bar graphs and/or pie graphs). Given the number of potential arguments for some of these options, they are each described below briefly and in greater detail in their respective helpfiles.

Additionally, when developing new schemes/themes, it is important to follow the guidance provided in the scheme files help documentation. Notably:

It is critical that you issue the discard command each time before you reissue your graph command. discard reinitializes the graphics system, and that includes clearing the graphics scheme. If you do not type discard, graph will note that you are using the same scheme each time and will use the already loaded scheme - ignoring the changes you made in the scheme file.

For additional information about the different options and entries that are used in scheme files, see scheme entries. If you try a value that does not work when creating a .theme file, submit an issue to the project’s repository or you can modify the corresponding help file for that option noting that the value didn’t work and submit a pull request to merge your changes with the project’s repository. The entries on the topic specific help files below are my best guesses regarding the set of possible values.

Lastly, if you want to see any working examples, there are examples available at the bottom of this page.


The links below point to topic specific help files. These are still a work in progress, but will contain information about specific entries and as much information as possible about how their values effect the appearance of graphs.

The options below are listed with the ‘bt’ prefix to differentiate them from cases where there may be official Stata help files with the same namespace.



Ex 1.

Create a theme file that emulates the aesthetics of the ggplot2 package for the R language.

// Change the end of line delimiter
#d ;

// Generate the theme file used to simulate ggplot2 aesthetics
brewtheme ggtheme, numticks("major 5" "horizontal_major 5" "vertical_major 5"     
"horizontal_minor 10" "vertical_minor 10") color("plotregion gs15"          
"matrix_plotregion gs15" "background gs15" "textbox gs15" "legend gs15"       
"box gs15" "mat_label_box gs15" "text_option_fill gs15" "clegend gs15"        
"histback gs15" "pboxlabelfill gs15" "plabelfill gs15" "pmarkbkfill gs15"      
"pmarkback gs15") linew("major_grid medthick" "minor_grid thin" "legend medium"    
"clegend medium") clockdir("legend_position 3") yesno("draw_major_grid yes"     
"draw_minor_grid yes" "legend_force_draw yes" "legend_force_nodraw no"        
"draw_minor_vgrid yes" "draw_minor_hgrid yes" "extend_grid_low yes"         
"extend_grid_high yes" "extend_axes_low no" "extend_axes_high no")          
gridsty("minor minor") axissty("horizontal_default horizontal_withgrid"       
"vertical_default vertical_withgrid") linepattern("major_grid solid"        
"minor_grid solid") linesty("major_grid major_grid" "minor_grid minor_grid")     
ticksty("minor minor_notick" "minor_notick minor_notick")               
ticksetsty("major_vert_withgrid minor_vert_nolabel"                 
"major_horiz_withgrid minor_horiz_nolabel"                      
"major_horiz_nolabel major_horiz_default"                       
"major_vert_nolabel major_vert_default") gsize("minortick_label minuscule"        
"minortick tiny") numsty("legend_cols 1" "legend_rows 0" "zyx2rows 0" 
"zyx2cols 1") verticaltext("legend top");

// Change the end of line delimiter back to a carriage return
#d cr

// Create a scheme file using the theme file created with the syntax above
brewscheme, scheme(ggtest2) const(orange) cone(blue) consat(20) scatc(5)    ///  
scatst(ggplot2) piest(ggplot2) piec(6) barst(ggplot2) barc(2) linec(2)      ///   
linest(ggplot2) areast(ggplot2) areac(5) somest(ggplot2) somec(24) cic(3)   ///   
cist(ggplot2) themef(ggplot2)

// Load the auto.dta data set
sysuse auto.dta, clear

// Create a graph with the scheme file above
tw  lowess mpg weight ||                                                    ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 1 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 2 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 3 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 4 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 5,                                       ///   
    legend(order(2 "1978 Repair Record = 1"                                 ///   
    3 "1978 Repair Record = 2" 4 "1978 Repair Record = 3"                   ///   
    5 "1978 Repair Record = 4" 6 "1978 Repair Record = 5"))                 ///   


Ex 2.

Uses the theme above and shows how symbol types get recycled as well

brewscheme, scheme(ggtest2) const(orange) cone(blue) consat(20)             ///  
scatst(ggplot2) scatc(5) piest(ggplot2) piec(6) barst(ggplot2) barc(2)      ///   
linest(ggplot2) linec(2) areast(ggplot2) areac(5) somest(ggplot2) somec(24) ///   
cist(ggplot2) cic(3) themef(ggplot2) symbols(diamond triangle square)

// Create a graph with the scheme file above
tw  lowess mpg weight ||                                                    ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 1 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 2 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 3 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 4 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 5,                                       ///   
    legend(order(2 "1978 Repair Record = 1"                                 ///   
    3 "1978 Repair Record = 2" 4 "1978 Repair Record = 3"                   ///   
    5 "1978 Repair Record = 4" 6 "1978 Repair Record = 5"))                 ///   


Ex 3.

Create a theme file that would emulate the original s2color scheme settings controlled by brewtheme

// Change the end of line delimiter
#d ;

// Generates a theme in the style of s2color
brewtheme s2theme, graphsi("x 5.5" "y 4") numsty("legend_cols 2" "legend_rows 0" 
"zyx2rows 0" "zyx2cols 1") gsize("label medsmall" "small_label small"
"text medium" "body medsmall" "small_body small" "heading large" 
"axis_title medsmall" "matrix_label medlarge" "matrix_marklbl small" 
"key_label medsmall" "note small" "star medsmall" "text_option medsmall" 
"minor_tick half_tiny" "tick_label medsmall" "tick_biglabel medium" 
"title_gap vsmall" "key_gap vsmall" "key_linespace vsmall" "legend_key_xsize 13" 
"legend_key_ysize medsmall" "clegend_width huge" "pielabel_gap zero" 
"plabel small" "pboxlabel small" "sts_risktable_space third_tiny" 
"sts_risktable_tgap zero" "sts_risktable_lgap zero" "minortick half_tiny" 
"pie_explode medium") relsize("bar_groupgap 67pct" "dot_supgroupgap 67pct" 
"box_gap 33pct" "box_supgroupgap 200pct" "box_outergap 20pct" "box_fence 67pct") 
symbolsi("smallsymbol small" "histogram medlarge" "ci medium" "ci2 medium" 
"matrix medium" "refmarker medlarge" "parrowbarb zero") 
color("background ltbluishgray" "foreground black" "backsymbol gs8" 
"heading dknavy" "box bluishgray" "textbox bluishgray" 
"mat_label_box bluishgray" "text_option_line black" 
"text_option_fill bluishgray" "filled bluishgray" "bylabel_outline bluishgray" 
"reverse_big navy" "reverse_big_line navy" "grid ltbluishgray" 
"major_grid ltbluishgray" "minor_grid gs5" "matrix navy" "matrixmarkline navy" 
"histback gold" "legend_line black" "clegend white" "clegend_line black" 
"pboxlabelfill bluishgray" "plabelfill bluishgray") 
linepattern("foreground solid" "background solid" "grid solid" 
"major_grid solid" "minor_grid dot" "text_option solid") 
linesty("textbox foreground" "grid grid" "major_grid major_grid" 
"minor_grid minor_grid" "legend legend") linewidth("p medium" "foreground thin" 
"background thin" "grid medium" "major_grid medium" "minor_grid thin" 
"tick thin" "minortick thin" "ci_area medium" "ci2_area medium" 
"histogram medium" "dendrogram medium" "xyline medium" "refmarker medium" 
"matrixmark medium" "dots vvthin" "dot_area medium" "dotmark thin" 
"plotregion thin" "legend thin" "clegend thin" "pie medium" "sunflower medium" 
"text_option thin" "pbar vvvthin") textboxsty("note small_body" 
"leg_caption body") axissty("bar_super horizontal_nolinetick" 
"dot_super horizontal_nolinetick" "bar_scale_horiz horizontal_withgrid" 
"bar_scale_vert vertical_withgrid" "box_scale_horiz horizontal_withgrid" 
"box_scale_vert vertical_withgrid") clockdir("caption_position 7" 
"legend_position 6" "by_legend_position 6" "p 3" "legend_caption_position 7")  
gridringsty("caption_ring 5" "legend_caption_ring 5") 
anglesty("vertical_tick vertical") yesno("extend_axes_low no" 
"extend_axes_high no" "draw_major_vgrid yes" "use_labels_on_ticks no" 
"title_span no" "subtitle_span no" "caption_span no" 
"note_span no" "legend_span no") barlabelsty("bar none");

Additional information

In addition to generating the user specified scheme, as of commit cd5cd84e83b513ef824ef61ca5e5b9124650076b, the brewtheme and brewscheme programs now automatically generate color vision impaired clones of themselves:


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abovebelow -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
star (line 1756)*above | belowbelow

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

anglestyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
clegend (line 1504)*angle styleshorizontal
horizontal_tickangle styleshorizontal
p (line 1505)*angle stylesstdarrow
parrow (line 1506)*angle stylesstdarrow
parrowbarb (line 1507)*angle styleszero
vertical_tickangle styleshorizontal

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

areastyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
backgroundarea stylesbackground
bar_iplotregionarea stylesnone
bar_plotregionarea stylesplotregion
box_iplotregionarea stylesnone
box_plotregionarea stylesplotregion
bygrapharea stylesbackground
bygraph_iplotregionarea stylesnone
bygraph_plotregionarea stylesnone
ciarea stylesci
ci2area stylesci2
clegend (line 1200)*area stylesclegend_preg
clegend_inner (line 1204)*area stylesclegend_inner
clegend_inpreg (line 1202)*area stylesnone
clegend_outer (line 1203)*area stylesclegend_outer
clegend_preg (line 1201)*area stylesnone
combine_iplotregionarea stylesnone
combine_plotregionarea stylesnone
combinegrapharea stylesbackground
combinegraph_innerarea stylesnone
dendrogram (line 1223)*area stylesdendrogram
dot_iplotregionarea stylesnone
dot_plotregionarea stylesplotregion
dotchartarea stylesdotchart
foregroundarea stylesforeground
grapharea stylesbackground
hbar_iplotregionarea stylesnone
hbar_plotregionarea stylesplotregion
hbox_iplotregionarea stylesnone
hbox_plotregionarea stylesplotregion
histogramarea styleshistogram
inner_bygrapharea stylesnone
inner_grapharea stylesnone
inner_legendarea stylesnone
inner_piegrapharea stylesnone
inner_pieregionarea stylesnone
inner_plotregionarea stylesnone
legendarea styleslegend
legend_inkey_regionarea stylesnone
legend_key_regionarea stylesnone
matrix_ilabel (line 1218)*area stylesnone
matrix_iplotregionarea stylesnone
matrix_label (line 1217)*area stylesbackground
matrix_plotregionarea stylesmatrix_plotregion
matrixgraph_iplotregionarea stylesnone
matrixgraph_plotregionarea stylesnone
piegrapharea stylesbackground
piegraph_regionarea stylesplotregion
plotregionarea stylesplotregion
sunflower (line 1226)*area stylessunflower
sunflowerdbarea stylessunflowerdb
sunflowerlbarea stylessunflowerlb
twoway_iplotregionarea stylesnone
twoway_plotregionarea stylesplotregion

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

arrowstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1750)*graph query arrowstyleeditor
editor (line 1751)*graph query arrowstyleeditor

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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axisstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bar_groupaxis styleshorizontal_notick
bar_scale_horizaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
bar_scale_vertaxis stylesvertical_nogrid
bar_superaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
bar_varaxis styleshorizontal_notick
box_scale_horizaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
box_scale_vertaxis stylesvertical_nogrid
clegend (line 1394)*axis stylesclegend
dot_groupaxis styleshorizontal_notick
dot_scale_horizaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
dot_scale_vertaxis stylesvertical_nogrid
dot_superaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
dot_varaxis styleshorizontal_notick
horizontal_defaultaxis styleshorizontal_default
horizontal_nogridaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
matrix_horizaxis styleshorizontal_nogrid
matrix_vertaxis stylesvertical_nogrid
sts_risktable (line 1393)*axis stylessts_risktable
vertical_defaultaxis stylesvertical_default
vertical_nogridaxis stylesvertical_nogrid

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

barlabelpos -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bargraph query barlabelposoutside

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

barlabelstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bargraph query barlabelstylebar

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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barstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
boxgraph query barstyleboxdefault
defaultgraph query barstyledefault
dotgraph query barstyledotdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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bygraphstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bygraphbygraph stylesdefault
combinebygraph stylescombine
defaultbygraph stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

clegendstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1552)*clegend stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

clockdir -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
by_legend_positionclock position styles12
caption_positionclock position styles5
clegend_title_position (line 1478)*clock position styles12
ilabel (line 1467)*clock position styles3
legend_caption_positionclock position styles5
legend_note_positionclock position styles7
legend_positionclock position styles12
legend_subtitle_positionclock position styles12
legend_title_positionclock position styles12
matrix_marklblclock position styles12
note_positionclock position styles7
pclock position styles0
subtitle_positionclock position styles12
title_positionclock position styles12
zyx2legend_position (line 1465)*clock position styles3

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

color -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_titlecolor stylesblack
axislinecolor stylesblack
backgroundcolor styleswhite
backsymbol (line 211)*color stylesnone
bodycolor stylesblack
boxcolor stylesnone
bylabel_outline (line 238)*color styleswhite
clegend (line 285)*color stylesnone
clegend_inner (line 287)*color stylesnone
clegend_line (line 288)*color stylesnone
clegend_outer (line 286)*color stylesnone
filledcolor styleswhite
filled_textcolor stylesblack
foregroundcolor styleswhite
grid (line 244)*color styleswhite
headingcolor stylesblack
histback (line 268)*color styleswhite
key_labelcolor stylesblack
labelcolor stylesblack
legendcolor styleswhite
legend_linecolor styleswhite
major_gridcolor styleswhite
mat_label_boxcolor styleswhite
matplotregion_linecolor stylesblack
matrixcolor styleswhite
matrix_labelcolor stylesblack
matrix_marklblcolor stylesblack
matrix_plotregioncolor styleswhite
matrixmarklinecolor stylesblack
minor_grid (line 246)*color styleswhite
minortickcolor stylesblack
pboxlabelfill (line 317)*color styleswhite
plabelfill (line 318)*color styleswhite
plotregioncolor styleswhite
plotregion_linecolor styleswhite
pmarkback (line 320)*color styleswhite
pmarkbkfill (line 321)*color styleswhite
reverse_big (line 240)*color stylesnone
reverse_big_line (line 241)*color stylesblack
reverse_big_text (line 242)*color styleswhite
small_bodycolor stylesblack
sts_risk_label (line 225)*color stylesblack
sts_risk_title (line 226)*color stylesblack
subheadingcolor stylesblack
symbol (line 210)*color stylesblack
text (line 213)*color stylesblack
text_optioncolor stylesblack
text_option_fillcolor styleswhite
text_option_linecolor styleswhite
textboxcolor styleswhite
tickcolor stylesblack
tick_biglabel (line 223)*color stylesblack
tick_labelcolor stylesblack

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

compass2dir -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
editor (line 1450)*compass direction styleseast
graph_aspectcompass direction stylescenter
key_labelcompass direction styleswest
legend_fillpos (line 1446)*compass direction stylescenter
legend_key (line 1447)*compass direction stylesdefault
p (line 1444)*compass direction styleseast
text_optioncompass direction stylescenter

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

compass3dir -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
p (line 1455)*compass3 direction styleseast

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

connectstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
pconnection stylesdirect

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

dottypestyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
dotgraph query dottypestyledot

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

graphsize -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
xReal #9
yReal #6

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

graphstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1533)*graph stylesdefault
graph (line 1534)*graph stylesdefault
matrixgraph (line 1535)*graph stylesmatrixgraph

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

gridlinestyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1403)*grid line stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

gridringstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
by_legend_ringring position styles3
caption_ringring position styles4
clegend_ring (line 1491)*ring position styles3
clegend_title_ring (line 1498)*ring position styles7
legend_caption_ringring position styles3
legend_note_ringring position styles3
legend_ringring position styles3
legend_subtitle_ringring position styles6
legend_title_ringring position styles7
note_ringring position styles4
spacers_ring (line 1484)*ring position styles11
subtitle_ringring position styles6
title_ringring position styles7
zyx2legend_ring (line 1490)*ring position styles4

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

gridstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
majorgraph query gridstylemajor
minorgraph query gridstylemajor

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

gsize -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
alternate_gaptext size styleszero
axis_spacetext size styleshalf_tiny
axis_titletext size stylessmall
axis_title_gaptext size stylesminuscule
barlabel_gaptext size stylestiny
bodytext size stylessmall
clegend_height (line 128)*text size styleszero
clegend_width (line 127)*text size stylesmedsmall
dot_rectangletext size stylesthird_tiny
filled_texttext size stylesmedsmall
gaptext size stylestiny
headingtext size stylesmedlarge
key_gaptext size stylessmall
key_labeltext size stylessmall
key_linespace (line 108)*text size stylessmall
labeltext size stylessmall
label_gaptext size styleshalf_tiny
legend_col_gaptext size styleslarge
legend_colgap (line 110)*text size stylesmedium
legend_key_gaptext size stylesvsmall
legend_key_xsizetext size stylessmall
legend_key_ysizetext size stylessmall
legend_row_gaptext size stylestiny
matrix_labeltext size stylesmedium
matrix_marklbltext size stylessmall
matrix_mlblgaptext size styleshalf_tiny
minorticktext size stylesthird_tiny
minortick_labeltext size stylesvsmall
note (line 89)*text size stylesvsmall
notickgaptext size stylestiny
pboxlabeltext size stylesvsmall
pie_explodetext size stylesmedsmall
pielabel_gaptext size stylesmedsmall
plabel (line 133)*text size stylesvsmall
reverse_big (line 104)*text size styleslarge
small_bodytext size stylesvsmall
small_labeltext size stylesvsmall
star (line 90)*text size stylessmall
star_gap (line 109)*text size stylesminuscule
sts_risk_label (line 142)*text size stylesmedsmall
sts_risk_tick (line 144)*text size styleszero
sts_risk_title (line 143)*text size stylesmedsmall
sts_risktable_lgap (line 141)*text size stylestiny
sts_risktable_space (line 139)*text size stylestiny
sts_risktable_tgap (line 140)*text size stylestiny
subheadingtext size stylesmedium
texttext size stylesmedsmall
text_optiontext size stylessmall
ticktext size stylestiny
tick_biglabeltext size stylessmall
tick_labeltext size stylessmall
tickgaptext size styleshalf_tiny
title_gaptext size stylessmall
zyx2colgap (line 125)*text size styleslarge
zyx2legend_key_gap (line 121)*text size stylestiny
zyx2legend_key_xsize (line 122)*text size stylesvhuge
zyx2legend_key_ysize (line 123)*text size stylesmedium
zyx2rowgap (line 124)*text size styleszero

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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horizontal -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_titlehorizontal justification stylescenter
bodyhorizontal justification stylescenter
editor (line 1353)*horizontal justification stylesleft
filled (line 1351)*horizontal justification stylescenter
headinghorizontal justification stylescenter
key_labelhorizontal justification stylesleft
labelhorizontal justification stylescenter
matrix_labelhorizontal justification stylescenter
small_body (line 1348)*horizontal justification stylescenter
sts_risk_label (line 1354)*horizontal justification stylesdefault
sts_risk_title (line 1355)*horizontal justification stylesright
subheadinghorizontal justification stylescenter
text_optionhorizontal justification stylescenter

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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labelstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
editor (line 1558)*label styleseditor
ilabel (line 1556)*label stylesilabel
matrixlabel stylesmatrix
sunflower (line 1559)*label stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

legendstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1548)*legend stylesdefault
zyx2 (line 1549)*legend styleszyx2

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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linepattern -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axislineline pattern stylessolid
backgroundline pattern stylessolid
ciline pattern stylessolid
ci_arealine pattern stylessolid
clegend (line 438)*line pattern stylessolid
dendrogram (line 421)*line pattern stylessolid
dot (line 433)*line pattern stylessolid
dot_arealine pattern stylessolid
dotmark (line 435)*line pattern stylessolid
dots (line 432)*line pattern stylessolid
foregroundline pattern stylesblank
grid (line 422)*line pattern stylesblank
histogramline pattern stylessolid
legendline pattern stylessolid
major_gridline pattern stylesblank
matrix_plotregionline pattern stylessolid
matrixmark (line 431)*line pattern stylessolid
minor_grid (line 424)*line pattern stylesblank
minortickline pattern stylessolid
pline pattern stylessolid
pie (line 436)*line pattern stylessolid
plotregionline pattern stylessolid
pmark (line 446)*line pattern stylessolid
reflineline pattern stylessolid
refmarkerline pattern stylessolid
sunflower (line 440)*line pattern stylessolid
text_optionline pattern stylesblank
tickline pattern stylessolid
xylineline pattern stylessolid
zyx2 (line 443)*line pattern stylessolid

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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linestyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axisline style optionsaxisline
axis_withgridline style optionsforeground
backgroundline style optionsbackground
box_medianline style optionsrefline
box_whiskersline style optionsci
boxline (line 716)*line style optionsforeground
ciline style optionsci
ci2line style optionsci2
ci2_arealine style optionsci2_area
ci_arealine style optionsci_area
clegend (line 746)*line style optionsclegend
clegend_inner (line 748)*line style optionsnone
clegend_outer (line 747)*line style optionsnone
clegend_preg (line 749)*line style optionsforeground
dendrogram (line 730)*line style optionsdendrogram
dotchartline style optionsdotchart
dotchart_arealine style optionsdotchart_area
dotmarkline style optionsdotmark
dots (line 754)*line style optionsdot
editor (line 755)*line style optionseditor
foregroundline style optionsforeground
grid (line 731)*line style optionsnone
histback (line 729)*line style optionshistogram
histogramline style optionshistogram
legendline style optionsnone
major_gridline style optionsnone
mat_label_boxline style optionsforeground
matrix (line 733)*line style optionsp1solid
matrix_plotregionline style optionsmatrix_plotregion
matrixmarkline style optionsmatrixmark
minor_grid (line 733)*line style optionsnone
minortickline style optionsminortick
pboxlabel (line 977)*line style optionsforeground
pboxmarkback (line 974)*line style optionsbackground
pie_linesline style optionspie
plabel (line 976)*line style optionsforeground
plotregionline style optionsplotregion
pmarkback (line 973)*line style optionsbackground
reflineline style optionsrefline
refmarkerline style optionsrefmarker
reverse_big (line 751)*line style optionsreverse_big
star (line 723)*line style optionsp1
sts_risktable (line 762)*line style optionsnone
sunflowerline style optionssunflower
sunflowerdbline style optionssunflowerdb
sunflowerdfline style optionssunflowerdf
sunflowerlbline style optionssunflowerlb
sunflowerlfline style optionssunflowerlf
symbol (line 715)*line style optionssymbol
text_optionline style optionstext_option
textboxline style optionsnone
tickline style optionstick
xylineline style optionsxyline
zero_line (line 720)*line style optionsforeground
zyx2 (line 763)*line style optionszyx2

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

linewidth -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axislineline width stylesthin
backgroundline width stylesnone
ciline width stylesmedium
ci2line width stylesmedium
ci2_arealine width stylesmedthin
ci_arealine width stylesmedthin
clegend (line 1014)*line width stylesnone
dendrogram (line 1003)*line width stylesmedium
dot_arealine width stylesmedthin
dot_lineline width stylesmedthick
dotmarkline width stylesvthin
dots (line 1008)*line width stylesvthin
foregroundline width stylesnone
grid (line 992)*line width stylesnone
histogramline width stylesvthin
legendline width stylesnone
major_gridline width stylesnone
matrix_plotregionline width stylesthin
matrixmarkline width stylesvvthin
medium (line 988)*line width stylesmedium
minor_grid (line 994)*line width stylesnone
minortickline width stylesvvthin
p (line 989)*line width stylesvthin
pbar (line 1022)*line width stylesvthin
pieline width stylesvthin
plotregionline width stylesvthin
reflineline width stylesmedium
refmarkerline width stylesmedthin
reverse_big (line 1016)*line width stylesthin
sunflowerline width stylesthin
text_optionline width stylesnone
thin (line 987)*line width stylesthin
tickline width stylesvthin
xylineline width stylesmedthin
zyx2 (line 1020)*line width stylesmedium

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

margin -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_titlemargin styleszero
bargraphmargin stylesbargraph
bodymargin stylesvsmall
boxgraphmargin stylesbargraph
by_indivmargin stylessmall
bygraphmargin styleszero
cleg_title (line 586)*margin stylesmedsmall
clegend (line 587)*margin stylesmedium
clegend_boxmargin (line 588)*margin stylessmall
combine_regionmargin styleszero
combinegraphmargin stylesmedsmall
dotgraphmargin stylesbargraph
editor (line 591)*margin styleszero
filled_box (line 590)*margin styleszero
filled_textbox (line 589)*margin stylessmall
graphmargin stylesmedium
hbargraphmargin stylesbargraph
hboxgraphmargin stylesbargraph
hdotgraph (line 581)*margin stylesbargraph
headingmargin stylesvsmall
key_labelmargin styleszero
key_labelmargin styleszero
labelmargin styleszero
legendmargin stylessmall
legend_boxmarginmargin stylessmall
legend_key_regionmargin stylestiny
mat_label_boxmargin styleszero
matrix_labelmargin styleszero
matrix_plotregmargin stylessmall
matrixgraphmargin styleszero
pboxlabel (line 595)*margin styleszero
pboxlabelbox (line 596)*margin styleszero
piegraphmargin stylessmall
piegraph_regionmargin stylesmedsmall
plabel (line 593)*margin styleszero
plabelbox (line 594)*margin styleszero
plotregionmargin stylesmedsmall
small_bodymargin stylesvsmall
star (line 575)*margin stylestiny
subheadingmargin stylesvsmall
textmargin stylesvsmall
text_optionmargin styleszero
textboxmargin styleszero
twoway (line 552)*margin stylesmedsmall

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

medtypestyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
boxplotgraph query medtypestyleline

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

numstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bar_num_dots (line 49)*Integer100
graph_aspectReal #0
grid_outer_tolReal #0.23
max_wted_symsizeReal # (Max Symbol Size in Bubble Plots)10
pie_angleReal #90
zyx2cols (line 41)*Integer2
zyx2rows (line 40)*Integer4

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

numticks -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
horizontal_majorInteger #5
horizontal_minorInteger #0
horizontal_tmajorInteger #0
horizontal_tminorInteger #0
majorInteger #5
vertical_majorInteger #5
vertical_minorInteger #0
vertical_tmajorInteger #0
vertical_tminorInteger #0

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

piegraphstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
piegraphby graph stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

pielabelstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1748)*pie graph label stylesnone

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

plotregionstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bargraphplot region stylebargraph
boxgraphplot region styleboxgraph
bygraphplot region stylebygraph
clegend (line 1529)*plot region styleclegend
combinegraphplot region stylematrixgraph
combineregionplot region stylecombineregion
graphplot region stylegraph
hbargraphplot region stylehbargraph
hboxgraphplot region stylehboxgraph
legend_key_region (line 1528)*plot region stylelegend_key_region
matrixplot region stylematrix
matrix_labelplot region stylematrix_label
matrixgraphplot region stylematrixgraph
piegraphplot region stylepiegraph
twowayplot region styletwoway

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

relativepos -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
clegend_axispos (line 1482)*relative position stylesright
clegend_pos (line 1481)*relative position stylesright
zyx2legend_pos (line 1480)*relative position stylesright

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

relsize -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
bar_gapReal #pct0pct
bar_groupgapReal #pct80pct
bar_outergapReal #pct20pct
bar_supgroupgapReal #pct200pct
box_fence (line 160)*Real #pct75pct
box_fencecap (line 161)*Real #pct0pct
box_gapReal #pct50pct
box_groupgapReal #pct100pct
box_outergapReal #pct25pct
box_supgroupgapReal #pct150pct
dot_gapReal #pctneg100pct
dot_groupgapReal #pct0pct
dot_outergapReal #pct0pct
dot_supgroupgapReal #pct75pct

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

special -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
by_knot1scheme by scaling3
by_slope1scheme by scaling.3
by_slope2scheme by scaling1
combine_knot1scheme by scaling3
combine_slope1scheme by scaling.5
combine_slope2scheme by scaling1
default_knot1 (line 59)*scheme by scaling4
default_slope1 (line 58)*scheme by scaling.3
default_slope2 (line 60)*scheme by scaling1
matrix_knot1scheme by scaling4
matrix_slope1scheme by scaling.3
matrix_slope2scheme by scaling1
matrix_xaxisaxis options"xlabels(#3, axis(X))"
matrix_yaxisaxis options"ylabels(#3, angle(horizontal) axis(Y))"

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

starstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1754)*star stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

sunflowerstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
sunflowersunflower plot stylessunflower

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

symbol -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
cisymbol stylescircle
ci2symbol stylescircle
dotssymbol stylescircle
histback (line 377)*symbol stylesnone
histogramsymbol stylescircle
ilabel (line 381)*symbol stylesnone
matrixsymbol stylescircle
nonesymbol stylesnone
psymbol stylescircle
pback (line 386)*symbol stylesnone
pbarback (line 387)*symbol stylesnone
pdotback (line 388)*symbol stylesnone
refmarkersymbol stylescircle
sunflowersymbol stylescircle_hollow

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

symbolsize -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
backsymbol (line 178)*size optionslarge
backsymspace (line 179)*size optionslarge
cisize optionsmedlarge
ci2size optionsmedlarge
dotssize optionsvtiny
histback (line 170)*size optionsvlarge
histogramsize optionsmedium
matrixsize optionsmedsmall
psize optionsmedium
parrow (line 182)*size optionsmedium
parrowbarb (line 183)*size optionsmedsmall
pback (line 181)*size optionszero
refmarkersize optionsmedium
smallsymbol (line 166)*size optionsmedsmall
star (line 168)*size optionsvlarge
sunflowersize optionsmedium
symbolsize optionsmedium

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

textboxstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_titletext box stylesaxis_title
b1titletext box stylessubheading
b2titletext box stylesbody
barlabeltext box stylessmall_label
bigtick (line 1119)*text box stylestick_biglabel
bodytext box stylesbody
bytitle (line 1129)*text box stylesbytitle
captiontext box stylesbody
cleg_caption (line 1095)*text box stylesbody
cleg_note (line 1096)*text box stylessmall_body
cleg_subtitle (line 1095)*text box stylessubheading
cleg_title (line 1093)*text box stylesclegend
editor (line 1131)*text box styleseditor
headingtext box stylesheading
ilabeltext box stylessmall_label
key_labeltext box styleskey_label
l1titletext box stylessubheading
l2titletext box stylesbody
labeltext box styleslabel
leg_captiontext box stylessmall_body
leg_notetext box stylessmall_body
leg_subtitletext box stylessubheading
leg_titletext box stylesheading
legend_keytext box styleslegend_key
matrix_labeltext box stylesmatrix_label
matrix_marklbltext box stylesmatrix_marklbl
minorticktext box stylesminortick_label
notetext box stylesbody
pielabeltext box stylessmall_label
r1titletext box stylessubheading
r2titletext box stylesbody
small_labeltext box stylessmall_label
star (line 1128)*text box stylesstar_label
sts_risktable (line 1120)*text box stylessts_risktable
subheadingtext box stylessubheading
subtitletext box stylessubheading
t1titletext box stylessubheading
t2titletext box stylesbody
text_optiontext box stylestext_option
ticktext box stylestick_label
titletext box stylesheading

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

tickposition -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_tickinside, outside, or crossingoutside

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

ticksetstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
major_clegend (line 1437)*tick set stylesmajor_clegend
major_horiz_defaulttick set stylesmajor_horiz_default
major_horiz_nolabeltick set stylesmajor_horiz_nolabel
major_horiz_noticktick set stylesmajor_horiz_notick
major_horiz_notickbig (line 1434)*tick set stylesmajor_horiz_notickbig
major_horiz_withgridtick set stylesmajor_horiz_default
major_vert_defaulttick set stylesmajor_vert_default
major_vert_nolabeltick set stylesmajor_vert_nolabel
major_vert_noticktick set stylesmajor_vert_notick
major_vert_notickbig (line 1435)*tick set stylesmajor_vert_notickbig
major_vert_withgridtick set stylesmajor_vert_default
minor_horiz_defaulttick set stylesminor_horiz_default
minor_horiz_nolabeltick set stylesminor_horiz_nolabel
minor_horiz_noticktick set stylesminor_horiz_notick
minor_vert_defaulttick set stylesminor_vert_default
minor_vert_nolabeltick set stylesminor_vert_nolabel
minor_vert_notick (line 1436)*tick set stylesminor_vert_notick
sts_risktable (line 1436)*tick set stylessts_risktable

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

tickstyle -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1407)*tick stylesdefault
majortick stylesmajor
major_nolabeltick stylesmajor_nolabel
major_noticktick stylesmajor_notick
major_notickbig (line 1414)*tick stylesmajor_notickbig
minortick stylesminor
minor_nolabeltick stylesminor_nolabel
minor_noticktick stylesminor_notick
minor_notickbig (line 1415)*tick stylesminor_notickbig
sts_risktable (line 1416)*tick stylessts_risktable

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

verticaltext -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
axis_titlevertical justification stylesbottom
bodyvertical justification stylesbottom
filled (line 1370)*vertical justification stylesmiddle
headingvertical justification stylesbottom
key_labelvertical justification stylesmiddle
labelvertical justification stylesmiddle
legend (line 1368)*vertical justification stylesbottom
matrix_labelvertical justification stylesmiddle
small_bodyvertical justification stylesbottom
subheadingvertical justification stylesbottom
text_optionvertical justification stylesmiddle

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

yesno -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
adj_xmargins (line 1722)*yes | nono
adj_ymargins (line 1723)*yes | nono
alt_xaxesyes | nono
alt_yaxesyes | nono
alternate_labelsyes | nono
bar_reverse_scaleyes | nono
box_custom_whiskersyes | nono
box_hollow (line 1676)*yes | nono
box_reverse_scaleyes | nono
by_alternate_xaxes (line 1682)*yes | nono
by_alternate_yaxes (line 1683)*yes | nono
by_edgelabelyes | noyes
by_indiv_as_wholeyes | nono
by_indiv_xaxesyes | nono
by_indiv_xlabelsyes | noyes
by_indiv_xrescaleyes | nono
by_indiv_xticksyes | noyes
by_indiv_xtitlesyes | nono
by_indiv_yaxesyes | nono
by_indiv_ylabelsyes | noyes
by_indiv_yrescaleyes | nono
by_indiv_yticksyes | noyes
by_indiv_ytitlesyes | nono
by_outer_xaxesyes | noyes
by_outer_xtitlesyes | noyes
by_outer_yaxesyes | noyes
by_outer_ytitlesyes | noyes
by_shrink_indivyes | nono
by_shrink_plotregionyes | nono
by_skip_xalternate (line 1684)*yes | nono
by_skip_yalternate (line 1685)*yes | nono
caption_spanyes | noyes
clegend_title_span (line 1720)*yes | noyes
cmissings (line 1598)*yes | noyes
connect_missings (line 1597)*yes | noyes
contours_colorlines (line 1730)*yes | nono
contours_outline (line 1728)*yes | nono
contours_reversekey (line 1729)*yes | nono
dot_reverse_scaleyes | nono
draw_major_grid (line 1607)*yes | nono
draw_major_hgridyes | nono
draw_major_nl_hgridyes | nono
draw_major_nl_vgridyes | nono
draw_major_nlt_hgridyes | nono
draw_major_nlt_vgridyes | nono
draw_major_nt_hgridyes | nono
draw_major_nt_vgridyes | nono
draw_major_vgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_grid (line 1609)*yes | nono
draw_majornl_hgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nl_hgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nl_vgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nlt_hgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nlt_vgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nt_hgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_nt_vgridyes | nono
draw_majornl_vgridyes | nono
draw_minor_grid (line 1608)*yes | nono
draw_minor_hgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nl_hgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nl_vgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nlt_hgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nlt_vgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nt_hgridyes | nono
draw_minor_nt_vgridyes | nono
draw_minor_vgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_grid (line 1610)*yes | nono
draw_minornl_hgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nl_hgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nl_vgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nlt_hgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nlt_vgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nt_hgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_nt_vgridyes | nono
draw_minornl_vgridyes | nono
extend_axes_full_highyes | noyes
extend_axes_full_lowyes | noyes
extend_axes_highyes | noyes
extend_axes_lowyes | noyes
extend_dotsyes | noyes
extend_grid_high (line 1644)*yes | noyes
extend_grid_low (line 1643)*yes | noyes
extend_majorgrid_highyes | noyes
extend_majorgrid_lowyes | noyes
extend_minorgrid_highyes | noyes
extend_minorgrid_lowyes | noyes
grid_draw_maxyes | nono
grid_draw_minyes | nono
grid_force_nomaxyes | nono
grid_force_nominyes | nono
legend_col_firstyes | nono
legend_force_drawyes | nono
legend_force_keyszyes | nono
legend_force_nodrawyes | nono
legend_spanyes | noyes
legend_stackedyes | nono
legend_text_firstyes | nono
mat_label_as_textbox (line 1705)*yes | noyes
mat_label_box (line 1704)*yes | noyes
note_spanyes | noyes
pboxlabelboxed (line 1726)*yes | nono
pcmissingsyes | noyes
pie_clockwiseyes | noyes
plabelboxed (line 1725)*yes | nono
subtitle_spanyes | noyes
swap_bar_groupaxisyes | nono
swap_bar_scaleaxisyes | nono
swap_box_groupaxisyes | nono
swap_box_scaleaxisyes | nono
swap_dot_groupaxisyes | nono
swap_dot_scaleaxisyes | nono
text_optionyes | nono
textboxyes | nono
title_spanyes | noyes
use_labels_on_ticksyes | noyes
x2axis_ontopyes | noyes
xyline_extend_highyes | noyes
xyline_extend_lowyes | noyes
y2axis_onrightyes | noyes
zyx2legend_span (line 1719)*yes | nono

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

zyx2rule -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
contour (line 1758)*zyx2 rule stylesintensity

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

back to top

zyx2style -- is an optional argument for brewtheme.

Key(s)Valid ValuesDefault Values
default (line 1762)*zyx2 stylesdefault

(line #)*: these entries are not directly documented, but the line numbers show you where these values appear in the s2color scheme file.

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