The crossvalidate package includes several commands and a Mata library that
provide a range of possible cross-validation techniques that can be used with
any Stata estimation command returning results in e()
. For the majority of
users and use cases, the prefix commands (see xv
and xvloo
) should handle
your needs. If, however, you need to implement something a bit different from
generic use cases, the package also includes lower level commands that can save
you time from having to code the entire cross-validation process. These
commands are named after the four-steps found in all cross-validation work:
, fitit
, predictit
, and validateit
. There are also a few utility
commands that take care of the metaprogramming tasks needed to allow these
commands to be applied to the correct fold/split of the data.
Lastly, we implemented the majority of validation metrics that can be found in
the R package yardstick in our
Mata library so you don’t have to. However, if you want to implement your own
validation metric that is possible and easy to do (see information below which
specifies the function signature to use for your Mata function that will
implement your metric) and easy to use with the existing tools (i.e., pass the
name of your function as an argument to the metric
or monitors
options of
either the prefix commands or validateit
and it will handle the rest).
// Load example dataset
sysuse auto.dta, clear
// Simple train/test (TT) split
xv 0.8, pstub(ttpred) metric(mse): reg price mpg length
// Simple train/validation/test (TVT) split
xv 0.6 0.2, pstub(tvtpred) metric(mse) monitors(mape smape): reg price mpg length
// Leave-One-Out cross valiation with a train/test split
xvloo 0.8, pstub(ttloopred) metric(mse): reg price mpg length
// LOO TVT split
xvloo 0.6 0.2, pstub(tvtloopred) metric(mse): reg price mpg length
// K-Fold TT split
xv 0.8, pstub(ttkfpred) metric(mae) kfold(5): reg price mpg length if !mi(rep78)
// K-Fold TVT split
xv 0.6 0.2, pstub(tvtkfpred) metric(mbe) kfold(3): reg price mpg length, vce(rob)
// Clustered K-Fold TT Split
xv 0.8, metric(phl) uid(rep78) kfold(4) display retain: reg price mpg length, vce(rob)
Method Signature
The program will allow users to define their own metrics/monitors that are not
contained in libcrossvalidate. In order to do this, users must implement a
specific method/function signature:
real scalar metric(string scalar pred, string scalar obs,
string scalar touse, | transmorphic matrix opts)
The function must return a real valued scalar and take three arguments. The
three arguments are used to access the data that would be used to compute the
metrics/monitors and to provide a method to pass optional arguments to the
underlying functions if supported.
Data access
Within the function body, we recommend using the following pattern to access
the data needed to compute any metrics/monitors:
real colvector yhat, y
yhat = st_data(., pred, touse)
y = st_data(., obs, touse)
The programs in the cross validate package will handle the construction of the
variables and passing them to the function name that users pass to the programs.
Building the library
Once we are ready to build the Mata library we should do the following using an
instance of Stata 15.
// Clear everything out of Mata
mata: mata clear
// Define all of the Mata functions in memory
run crossvalidate.mata
// If the library is already built, use this instead:
lmbuild libxv, replace dir(`"`c(pwd)'"')
Prefix Commands
xv # [#], MEtric(string asis) [seed(integer) Uid(varlist) TPoint(string asis)
SPLit(string asis) KFold(integer) RESults(string asis)
fitnm(string asis) Classes(integer) PStub(string asis) noall
MOnitors(string asis) DISplay RETain valnm(string asis)
PMethod(string asis) POpts(string asis)] :
estimation command ...
Syntax and options
- # - The proportion of the data set to allocate to the training set. _Note if
the training allocation is set to unity, it will automatically trigger the
- [#] - The proportion of the data set to allocate to the validation set.
- metric(string asis) - the name of a function from libxv or a user-defined
function. Optional arguments for the metric function can be passed as a matrix.
For example, metric(ccc((1))) or metric(ccc((“y”))). See help documentation
for cases where options are supported, as well as the required format for those
- kfold(integer) - An optional parameter that implements K-Fold
cross-validation with the number of folds specified by the user. The default is
1, which is the equivalent of simple train/test or train/validation/test splits.
- seed(integer) - to set the pseudo-random number generator seed
- uid(varlist) - a variable list for clustered sampling/splitting. Note, the
variable list must be specified the order from highest to lowest level of
nesting of the data; cross-classified sampling is not currently supported.
- tpoint(string asis) - a numeric, td(), tc(), or tC() value.
- split(string asis) - a new variable name that will store the split
identifiers in the data. If a value is passed to the
, pstub
, or
options it will trigger the retain
option to be turned on. The
default value in the case where the retain
option is on and no value is passed
to split
is _xvsplit.
- results(string asis) - a stubname for storing estimation results. The name
provided cannot end in a number. If a value is passed to the
, pstub
or results
options it will trigger the retain
option to be turned on.
The default value in the case where the retain
option is on and no value is
passed to results
is xvres.
- noall - suppresses fitting the model to the entire training set. Note: this
is only applicable to cases where
> 1 (which includes xvloo).
- fitnm(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the results;
the default is xvfit and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
- classes(integer) - is used to specify the number of classes for
classification models; default is 0 which is used to denote non-classification
models. Additionally, if using a binary outcome, remember that there are two
(2) classes.
- threshold(real) - positive outcome threshold for classification in binary
outcome models; default is 0.5.
- pstub(string asis) - a new variable name for predicted values. If a value
is passed to the
, pstub
, or results
options it will trigger the
option to be turned on. The default value in the case where the
option is on and no value is passed to pstub
is _xvpred. If the
variable _xvpred already exists a suffix based on the timestamp when the command
is executed is used.
- monitors(string asis) - zero or more function names from libxv or
user-defined functions. Optional arguments for the monitors function can be
passed as a matrix. For example, monitors(ccc((1)) mae((“y”)) rmse((1, 2, 3))).
See help documentation for cases where options are supported, as well as the
required format for those options.
- valnm(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the validation
results; default is xvval and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
- pmethod(string asis) - the method (statistic) to predict with the
out-of-sample/held-out data. Defaults to xb when
== 0 and pr in all
other cases.
- popts(string asis) - an option that allows users to pass options to
the predict command in addition to the prediction statistic/method.
- display - display estimation and validation results in the results pane;
default is off
- retain - retains the
and pstub
variables and stored estimation
results after execution. If this option is specified without arguments passed
to the split
, pstub
, or results
options, the default names are used for
xvloo # [#], MEtric(string asis) [ seed(integer) Uid(varlist) TPoint(string asis)
SPLit(string asis) RESults(string asis) fitnm(string asis)
Classes(integer) PStub(string asis) noall MOnitors(string asis)
DISplay RETain valnm(string asis) PMethod(string asis)
POpts(string asis) ] :
estimation command ...
Syntax and options
- # - The proportion of the data set to allocate to the training set. _Note if
the training allocation is set to unity, it will automatically trigger the
- [#] - The proportion of the data set to allocate to the validation set.
- metric(string asis) - the name of a function from libxv or a user-defined
function. Optional arguments for the metric function can be passed as a matrix.
For example, metric(ccc((1))) or metric(ccc((“y”))). See help documentation
for cases where options are supported, as well as the required format for those
- seed(integer) - to set the pseudo-random number generator seed
- uid(varlist) - a variable list for clustered sampling/splitting. Note, the
variable list must be specified the order from highest to lowest level of
nesting of the data; cross-classified sampling is not currently supported.
- tpoint(string asis) - a numeric, td(), tc(), or tC() value.
- split(string asis) - a new variable name that will store the split
identifiers in the data. If a value is passed to the
, pstub
, or
options it will trigger the retain
option to be turned on. The
default value in the case where the retain
option is on and no value is passed
to split
is _xvsplit.
- results(string asis) - a stubname for storing estimation results. The name
provided cannot end in a number. If a value is passed to the
, pstub
or results
options it will trigger the retain
option to be turned on.
The default value in the case where the retain
option is on and no value is
passed to results
is xvres.
- noall - suppresses fitting the model to the entire training set. Note: this
is only applicable to cases where
> 1 (which includes xvloo).
- fitnm(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the results;
the default is xvfit and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
- classes(integer) - is used to specify the number of classes for
classification models; default is 0 which is used to denote non-classification
models. Additionally, if using a binary outcome, remember that there are two
(2) classes.
- threshold(real) - positive outcome threshold for classification in binary
outcome models; default is 0.5.
- pstub(string asis) - a new variable name for predicted values. If a value
is passed to the
, pstub
, or results
options it will trigger the
option to be turned on. The default value in the case where the
option is on and no value is passed to pstub
is _xvpred. If the
variable _xvpred already exists a suffix based on the timestamp when the command
is executed is used.
- monitors(string asis) - zero or more function names from libxv or
user-defined functions. Optional arguments for the monitors function can be
passed as a matrix. For example, monitors(ccc((1)) mae((“y”)) rmse((1, 2, 3))).
See help documentation for cases where options are supported, as well as the
required format for those options.
- valnm(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the validation
results; default is xvval and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
- pmethod(string asis) - the method (statistic) to predict with the
out-of-sample/held-out data. Defaults to xb when
== 0 and pr in all
other cases.
- popts(string asis) - an option that allows users to pass options to
the predict command in addition to the prediction statistic/method.
- display - display estimation and validation results in the results pane;
default is off
- retain - retains the
and pstub
variables and stored estimation
results after execution. If this option is specified without arguments passed
to the split
, pstub
, or results
options, the default names are used for
Phase Specific Commands
splitit # [#] [if] [in] [, Uid(varlist) TPoint(string asis) KFold(integer 1)
SPLit(string asis) loo ]
Syntax and options
- # [#] - At least one numeric value in [0, 1]. A single value is used for
train/test splits. Two values are used for train/validate/test splits. The sum
of the two values must be <= 1.
- uid(varlist) - A user specified varlist used to identify units
when splitting the data. When this is populated all records associated with the
unit identifier will be added to the train/validate/test split. If a time point
is also specified, the time point threshold should retain only cases up to the
specified time.
- tpoint(string asis) - A user specified time value that will be used
to split the data into train/validation/test sets. Requires the data to be
-xt/tsset-. If a panel variable is defined in -xtset- it will be used to ensure the
split includes entire records prior to the time period used for the split. If
-uid- is also specified, it must include the panel variable.
- kfold(integer 1) - An optional parameter to trigger the use of
K-Fold crossvalidation. The number of folds specified will be used to generate
the splits.
- split(string asis) - An option to specify the name of the variable
that will store the identifiers for each of the splits and folds.
- loo - An option used when splitting a dataset for use in leave-one-out
fitit anything(name = cmd), SPLit(passthru) RESults(string asis)
[ KFold(integer 1) noall DISplay NAme(string asis) ]
Syntax and options
- cmd is the estimation command the user wishes to fit to the data
- split(passthru) - specifies the name of the variable used to
identify the train/validate/test or KFold splits in the dataset.
- results(string asis) - A name to use to store estimation results
estimates store
- kfold(integer 1) - An option used to determine if the model needs
to be fitted over k subsets of the data.
- noall - Is an option to suppress fitting the model to the entire training set
when the number of folds in the training set is > 1.
- display - An option to show estimation results from all of the
models fitted to each of the folds.
- name(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the
results; the default is xvfit and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
predictit [anything(name = cmd)], PStub(string asis)
[ SPLit(passthru) Classes(integer 0)
KFold(integer 1) THReshold(passthru)
MODifin(string asis) KFIfin(string asis) noall
PMethod(string asis) POpts(string asis) ]
Syntax and options
- cmd is the estimation command the user wishes to fit to the data
- pstub(string asis) - A variable name to use to store the predicted
values following model fitting.
- split(passthru) - specifies the name of the variable used to
identify the train/validate/test or KFold splits in the dataset.
- classes(integer 0) - An option used to determine whether the model
is a regression or classification task. This is subsequently passed to the
classify program.
- kfold(integer 1) - An option used to determine the appropriate
subset of data to use for predictions.
- threshold(passthru) - An option that is passed to the classify
program for predicting class membership in classification tasks.
- modifin(string asis) - the modified if expression used to generate
the out of sample predictions.
- kfifin(string asis) - the modified if expression used to generate
the out of sample predictions for the full training sample when using K-Fold
- noall - suppresses prediction on the entire training sample when using K-Fold
- pmethod(string asis) - the method (statistic) to predict with the out-of-sample/held-out data. Defaults to xb when
== 0 and pr in all
other cases.
- popts(string asis) - an option that allows users to pass options to
the predict command in addition to the prediction statistic/method.
validateit, MEtric(string asis) PStub(string asis) SPLit(string asis)
[ Obs(string asis) MOnitors(string asis) DISplay KFold(integer 1)
noall loo NAme(string asis) ]
Syntax and options
- metric(string asis) - specifies the name of the Mata function to
use as the validation metric. Options can be passed to the metric, see the
help for libxv or validateit to identify which metrics support this and to
see the requirements for specifying options.
- pstub(string asis) - A variable name to use to store the predicted
values following model fitting.
- split(passthru) - specifies the name of the variable used to
identify the train/validate/test or KFold splits in the dataset.
- obs(string asis) - the name of the dependent variable from the model.
- monitors(string asis) - this can be a list of functions used to
evaluate the model performance on the out of sample data. Options can be
passed if the function supports it. See help documentation for additional info.
- display - an option to print the monitor and metric values to the
- kfold(integer 1) - An option used to compute validation metrics and
monitors for each fold, as well as the entire training set if the
is not passed.
- noall - suppresses prediction on the entire training sample when using K-Fold cross-validation.
- loo - Is an option used specifically for leave-one-out cross-validation. It
computes validation metrics for the entire training split based on the predicted
and observed values from each of the folds. If the
option is omitted it
will also compute the validation metrics from a model fitted to the entire
training set with predictions made on the validation set, if present, or test
set, if no validation set is present.
- name(string asis) - is used to name the collection storing the
results; the default is xvval and only applies to users of Stata 17 and above.
Utility commands
classify # [if], PStub(string asis) [ THReshold(real 0.5) PMethod(string asis)
POpts(string asis) ]
Syntax and options
- # - This is the number of classes of the outcome variable being modeled. This
value must be integer valued.
- pstub(string asis) - Specifies a stub name to use to store the
predicted classes from the model.
- threshold(real 0.5) - Specifies the threshold to use for classification
of predicted probabilities in the case of binary outcome models. The value of
the threshold must be in (0, 1).
- pmethod(string asis) - the method (statistic) to predict with the out-of-sample/held-out data. Defaults to xb when
== 0 and pr in all
other cases.
- popts(string asis) - an option that allows users to pass options to
the predict command in addition to the prediction statistic/method.
Syntax and options
No options
cmdmod anything(name = cmd id = "estimation command"),
SPLit(varlist min = 1 max = 1) [ KFold(integer 1) ]
Syntax and options
- split(varlist min = 1 max = 1) - specifies the name of the variable
used to identify the train/validate/test or KFold splits in the dataset that
will be used to fit the model to the training set and that predictions will use
the validation set.
- kfold(integer 1) - specifies the number of cross-validation folds
used in the dataset. The default value indicates that K-Fold cross-validation
is not being used and the data should be treated like a train/test or
train/validation/test split.
libxv [, DISplay ]
Syntax and options
- display - displays the libxv help file after recompiling the Mata