Unlike the example in R
, this example uses a library in Python
that implements a few different types of Generative Adversarial Networks
, or GANs, specifically Conditional Tabular GAN and Conditional Probabilistic Auto-Regressive (CPAR) GANs. This example will focus on CTGAN which can be used to synthesize data in general and can be used as a way to synthesize records in a manner similar to SMOTE.
While the CART-based approach synthesizes a single variable at time, some GAN-based methods synthesize vectors (the entire record) at one time. CTGAN is one of those methods. However, while it might seem like this would speed things up substantially, the computational complexity of the underlying architecture may not always play out that way, especially if you are doing this on CPU only.
# Loads library to allow setting the pseudorandom number generator seed
import random
# Sets the pseudorandom number generator seed
# Load libary to read the data
import pandas as pd
# Columns from the Faketucky file that we will keep and their new names
cols = { 'sid': 'stdid', 'first_dist_code': 'distid', 'first_hs_code': 'schcd',
'first_hs_alt': 'altsch', 'first_hs_urbanicity': 'urbanicity',
'chrt_ninth': 'cohort', 'male': 'male', 'race_ethnicity': 'race',
'frpl_ever_in_hs': 'frleverhs', 'sped_ever_in_hs': 'swdeverhs',
'lep_ever_in_hs': 'eleverhs', 'gifted_ever_in_hs': 'tageverhs',
'ever_alt_sch_in_hs': 'alteverhs', 'scale_score_6_math': 'mthss6',
'scale_score_6_read': 'rlass6', 'scale_score_8_math': 'mthss8',
'scale_score_8_read': 'rlass8', 'pct_absent_in_hs': 'pctabshs',
'pct_excused_in_hs': 'pctexcusedhs', 'avg_gpa_hs': 'hsgpa',
'scale_score_11_eng': 'acteng11', 'scale_score_11_math': 'actmth11',
'scale_score_11_read': 'actrla11', 'scale_score_11_comp': 'actcmp11',
'collegeready_ever_in_hs': 'evercollrdyhs', 'careerready_ever_in_hs': 'evercarrdyhs',
'ap_ever_take_class': 'aptakenever', 'last_acadyr_observed': 'lastobsyr',
'transferout': 'transfer', 'dropout': 'dropout', 'still_enrolled': 'stillenrolled',
'ontime_grad': 'gradontime', 'chrt_grad': 'gradcohort', 'hs_diploma': 'diploma',
'enroll_yr1_any': 'yr1psenrany', 'enroll_yr1_2yr': 'yr1psenr2yr',
'enroll_yr1_4yr': 'yr1psenr4yr', 'enroll_yr2_any': 'yr2psenrany' }
# Load the data and rename the columns to shorter names
df1 = pd.read_stata('https://github.com/OpenSDP/faketucky/raw/master/faketucky.dta', columns = cols.keys()).rename(columns = cols)
# Create the combined school/district ID
df1['schid'] = df1['distid'].astype(str) + df1['schcd'].astype(str)
# Get a sample of school IDs
schids = df1['schid'].drop_duplicates().sample(n = 60, random_state = 7779311)
# Inner Join to select the subset of cases with the sampled school IDs
df = df1.merge(schids, how = 'inner', on = 'schid')
# Remove the school and district codes that created schid
df.drop(columns = ['distid', 'schcd'], inplace = True)
# Make sure a couple columns/variables are correctly typed for the synthesis software
df['urbanicity'] = df['urbanicity'].astype(str)
df['schid'] = df['schid'].astype(str)
# Show some of the data
stdid int32 altsch int8 urbanicity object cohort int16 male float64 race object frleverhs float64 swdeverhs int8 eleverhs int8 tageverhs int8 alteverhs int8 mthss6 float64 rlass6 float64 mthss8 float64 rlass8 float64 pctabshs float64 pctexcusedhs float64 hsgpa float64 acteng11 float64 actmth11 float64 actrla11 float64 actcmp11 float64 evercollrdyhs int8 evercarrdyhs int8 aptakenever int8 lastobsyr int16 transfer int8 dropout int8 stillenrolled int8 gradontime int8 gradcohort float64 diploma int8 yr1psenrany float64 yr1psenr2yr float64 yr1psenr4yr float64 yr2psenrany float64 schid object dtype: object
# Load the torch library
import torch
# Check to see if a GPU is available so you use a GPU later
gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
# Check how many GPU are available
ngpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
# For GPU setups
if ngpus >= 1 and ngpus is not None:
# Get the device properties for each GPU available
for i in range(ngpus):
# Print the result so you can make sure the GPU is ID'd in case something goes wrong with CUDA
print('GPU Available = {0}\n# of GPUS = {1}'.format(gpu, ngpus))
_CudaDeviceProperties(name='Quadro RTX 5000', major=7, minor=5, total_memory=16117MB, multi_processor_count=48) GPU Available = True # of GPUS = 1
# If you have multiple GPUs here is where you can set which GPU to use based on the index
# starting from 0
# Import CTGAN from the Synthetic Data Vault library
from sdv.tabular import CTGAN
# Use this to set the number of epochs (passes over your data) for training
eps = 1
# You can import this module if you want to see the timing
import time
# This is where you can define/tune your specific architecture for your CTGAN
# See: https://sdv.dev/SDV/api_reference/tabular/api/sdv.tabular.ctgan.CTGAN.html#sdv.tabular.ctgan.CTGAN
# for a description of all the parameters that are available.
# cuda = whether to use a GPU or not
# discriminator_steps = Typically this is 5 or 10, it is how many times the discriminator is updated before updating the generator
# pac = # of samples grouped together when training the discriminator
# batch_size = How many observations from your dataset should be processed at a time
# verbose = whether to print updates during training indicating some type of progress
# embedding_dim = # of nodes to use for the embedding used for conditioning
# generator_dim = Specify the number of layers/nodes (#, #) each # is the number of nodes in the layer
# discriminator_dim = Specify the number of layers/nodes (#, #) each # is the number of nodes in the layer
# epochs = The # of passes over your dataset to train the model
# You define the architecture without any data. Once defined you pass data to it using the fit() method.
ctmod = CTGAN(cuda = gpu,
discriminator_steps = 5,
pac = 50,
batch_size = 4000,
verbose = True,
embedding_dim = 256,
generator_dim = (512, 512, 256, 256, 128, 128),
discriminator_dim = (1024, 512, 256, 128),
epochs = eps)
# Leave this uncommented if you want to time the training
start = time.time()
# This trains the model
# Leave this uncommented if you
end = time.time()
# Leave this uncommented if the timing stuff is uncommented to see how long it took
print('{} epochs took {} minutes to complete'.format(eps, (end - start)/60))
/home/billy/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdt/transformers/numerical.py:100: UserWarning: No rounding scheme detected for column 'pctabshs'. Data will not be rounded. warnings.warn( /home/billy/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdt/transformers/numerical.py:100: UserWarning: No rounding scheme detected for column 'pctexcusedhs'. Data will not be rounded. warnings.warn( /home/billy/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdt/transformers/numerical.py:100: UserWarning: No rounding scheme detected for column 'hsgpa'. Data will not be rounded. warnings.warn(
Epoch 1, Loss G: 9.1588,Loss D: -15.8004 1 epochs took 0.5858280380566915 minutes to complete
Once your model has been trained to your liking, which will definitely take more than a single epoch, you can begin synthesizing data from it. The code block below shows not only how to synthesize a whole sample, but also how you can use CTGAN to synthesize data for specific groups, like SMOTE but probably with greater fidelity.
Like any data synthesis, you need to be careful and aware of what your protected data looks like with regards to representation of your population of interest. Data synthesis isn't magic, nor can it infer what our intentions are. The process is building a mathematical model to best describe the distribution of the data we provide so it can sample from it. So, if you believe the data you have for some of your smaller groups of interest is a good approximation for what the data for that group would look like in repeated samples you should be fine synthesizing from that group. If, however, you believe that the data you have for the group you are interested in is not a good representation of that group, I would recommend against synthesizing data for the group. That said, also keep in mind that the more data you use to train the model, the better the results will be. Even if your goal is only to synthesize data for a single group, include data from all of the other groups you have available since there is additional information in the relationships between the variables that can improve the quality of the synthetic records for the group you are interested in.
# To generate synthetic data use the sample method
synthtest = ctmod.sample(330)
# Then you can save it to a file
# And delete the object to reduce memory consumption
del synthtest
# To sample a specific group, define the conditions
from sdv.sampling import Condition
# Define the groups you need synthetic records for
remoteaa = Condition(num_rows = 100, column_values = {'urbanicity': 'Rural: Remote', 'race': 'African-American'})
remotelx = Condition(num_rows = 100, column_values = {'urbanicity': 'Rural: Remote', 'race': 'Hispanic'})
fringeaa = Condition(num_rows = 100, column_values = {'urbanicity': 'Rural: Fringe', 'race': 'African-American'})
fringelx = Condition(num_rows = 100, column_values = {'urbanicity': 'Rural: Fringe', 'race': 'Hispanic'})
# Then use the sample_conditions() method to generate samples with the characteristics you need
condtest = ctmod.sample_conditions(conditions = [remoteaa, remotelx, fringeaa, fringelx])
# And you can save those data to a file as well:
Sampling conditions: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 400/400 [00:10<00:00, 39.43it/s]