Implementing Programming Patterns in Mata to Optimize Your Code

Billy Buchanan, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Grants, Research, Accountability, & Data
Fayette County Public Schools

What are programming patterns?

Programming, or design, patterns are optimized solutions to common problems.

  • Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides (1977) describe four general elements essential to programming patterns:
    • The Name
    • The Problem
    • The Solution
    • The Consequences
  • Gould's (2018) treatise on Mata is extensive, but doesn't address using programming patterns in the language.

How are patterns used?

You probably encounter programming patterns regularly if you use a combination of Windows, OSX, and *nix variants of Stata.

Example Abstract Factory Pattern

classDiagram class Client class AbstractUIFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class AbstractOSXFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class AbstractWindowsFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class Window class OSXWindow class WindowsWindow class ScrollBar class OSXScrollBar class WindowsScrollBar AbstractUIFactory <-- Client Window <-- Client ScrollBar <-- Client AbstractUIFactory <|-- AbstractOSXFactory AbstractUIFactory <|-- AbstractWindowsFactory Window <|-- OSXWindow Window <|-- WindowsWindow ScrollBar <|-- OSXScrollBar ScrollBar <|-- WindowsScrollBar OSXWindow <.. AbstractOSXFactory OSXScrollBar <.. AbstractOSXFactory WindowsWindow <.. AbstractWindowsFactory WindowsScrollBar <.. AbstractWindowsFactory

Example Abstract Factory Pattern

classDiagram class Client class AbstractUIFactory { CreateScrollBar()* CreateWindow()* } class AbstractOSXFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class AbstractWindowsFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class AbstractUnixFactory { CreateScrollBar() CreateWindow() } class Window class OSXWindow class WindowsWindow class UnixWindow class ScrollBar class OSXScrollBar class WindowsScrollBar class UnixScrollBar AbstractUIFactory <-- Client Window <-- Client ScrollBar <-- Client AbstractUIFactory <|-- AbstractOSXFactory AbstractUIFactory <|-- AbstractWindowsFactory AbstractUIFactory <|-- AbstractUnixFactory Window <|-- OSXWindow Window <|-- WindowsWindow Window <|-- UnixWindow ScrollBar <|-- OSXScrollBar ScrollBar <|-- WindowsScrollBar ScrollBar <|-- UnixScrollBar OSXWindow <.. AbstractOSXFactory OSXScrollBar <.. AbstractOSXFactory WindowsWindow <.. AbstractWindowsFactory WindowsScrollBar <.. AbstractWindowsFactory UnixWindow <.. AbstractUnixFactory UnixScrollBar <.. AbstractUnixFactory

What is the singleton pattern?

The Singleton

classDiagram class Ipeds { + matrix~string~ ipedsdb + scalar~string~ ipedsroot + scalar~string~ colraw + new() void + listAllYears() void + listAllSurveys() void + listAllTitles() void + listAllRevised() void + listAllPreliminary() void + listAllData() void + replaySearch() void + downloadBySearch(|rowvector~string~ savepath, scalar~real~ files) void + downloadByID(rowvector~string~ ids, |rowvector~string~ savepath, scalar~real~ files) void + downloadHandler(rowvector~string~ files, rowvector~string~ savepath) void + listSurveysByYear() void + listTitlesByYear() void + listTitlesBySurvey() void + search(| scalar~string~ years, scalar~string~ surveys, scalar~string~ titles, scalar~string~ ids, scalar~string~ revised, scalar~string~ preliminary) matrix~string~ # pointer~scalar~ searchResults - pointer~scalar~ yearIDs - pointer~scalar~ surveyIDs - pointer~scalar~ titleIDs - pointer~scalar~ surveyByYearIDs - pointer~scalar~ titleByYearIDs - pointer~scalar~ titleBySurveyIDs - pointer~scalar~ titleBySurveyAndYearIDs - pointer~scalar~ years - pointer~scalar~ surveys - pointer~scalar~ titles - pointer~scalar~ revised - pointer~scalar~ preliminary - pointer~scalar~ db - pointer~scalar~ singleton - getFileNames(scalar~string~ id, | scalar~real~ files) rowvector~string~ - checkDirectory(scalar~string~ savepath) void - getIpeds() matrix~string~ - loadRawMatrix(scalar~string~ savepath) matrix~string~ - loadCompiledMatrix(scalar~string~ path) matrix~string~ }

How do you implement the singleton pattern?

You need to try to locate the object by name during instantiation:

// Starts Mata session

// Clears existing material from Mata
mata clear

// Defines the Ipeds class
class Ipeds {

	// Public member variables
	public :

		// Member variable that stores string matrix with all metadata
		string matrix ipedsdb

		// Member variable storing the root directory/url for all files
		string scalar ipedsroot, colraw

		// Class constructor
		void new(), listAllYears(), listAllSurveys(), listAllTitles(),
			 listAllRevised(), listAllPreliminary(), listAllData(),
			 replaySearch(), downloadBySearch(), downloadByID(),
			 downloadHandler(), listSurveysByYear(), listTitlesByYear(),

		// Function that provides search functionality to class
		string matrix search()

	// Protected member variables
	protected :

		// Container to store search results for easy downloading/assembly
		pointer scalar searchResults

	// Private member variables
	private :

		// Pointers to different combinations of search fields
		pointer scalar 	yearIDs, surveyIDs, titleIDs,
						surveyByYearIDs, titleByYearIDs,
						titleBySurveyIDs, titleBySurveyAndYearIDs,
						years, surveys, titles, revised, preliminary, db

		// Pointer used to store state of the class and enforce singleton pattern
		pointer() scalar singleton

		// Internal function used to return only file names from ipedsdb
		string rowvector getFileNames()

		void checkDirectory()

		string matrix getIpeds(), loadRawMatrix(), loadCompiledMatrix()

} // End of Class definition

// Class constructor definition
void Ipeds::new() {

	// Stores error message in a string scalar
	string rowvector errmsg

	// Stores the error message for later display/formatting
	errmsg = (	"Object ipeds of class Ipeds already exists.",
				"Use the existing ipeds object instead.")

	// Initializes the singleton member with the single instance name
	this.singleton = valofexternal("ipeds")

	// Test whether or not the variable ipeds exists in the global namespace
	if ((this.singleton) == J(0, 0, .)) {

		// Root for all data sets and script files
		this.ipedsroot = ""

		// Creates new string matrix
		this.ipedsdb = getIpeds()

		// Sets pointer to ipedsdb
		db = &this.ipedsdb

		// Pointer to unique value of years
		this.years = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., 1])

		// Pointer to unique value of survey names
		this.surveys = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., 2])

		// Pointer to unique values of title names
		this.titles = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., 3])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct years
		this.yearIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct surveys across years
		this.surveyIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (2, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct titles across years
		this.titleIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (3, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct surveys by year
		this.surveyByYearIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 2, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct titles by year
		this.titleByYearIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 3, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct titles by survey name
		this.titleBySurveyIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (2, 3, 6)])

		// Creates pointer to list of distinct identifiers
		this.titleBySurveyAndYearIDs = &uniqrows(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 2, 3, 6)])

		// Pointer to identifying information for revised records
		this.revised = &select(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 2, 3, 6)], this.ipedsdb[., 7] :== "1")

		// Pointer to identifying information for preliminary records
		this.preliminary = &select(this.ipedsdb[., (1, 2, 3, 6)], this.ipedsdb[., 8] :== "1")

		this.singleton = findexternal("ipeds")

	} // End IF Block for case where object is already initialized

	// If the object already exists
	else {

		// Print message to screen when object already exists
		display(sprintf("{txt}%s", errmsg[1, 1]))
		display(sprintf("{err}%s", errmsg[1, 2]))
		display(sprintf("{res}%s", errmsg[1, 3]))

	} // End ELSE Block for existing ipeds object

} // End of constructor definition

// Method to download data/script files based on search results
void Ipeds::downloadBySearch(| string rowvector savepath, real scalar files) {

	// Calls the download by ID method using ID values from the search results
	this.downloadByID((*this.searchResults)[., 1]', savepath, files)

} // End of Method definition for download by search method

// Method to download data/script files based on ID numbers
void Ipeds::downloadByID(string rowvector ids, | string rowvector savepath,
						 real scalar files) {

	// Member variable used for iterating over the ids
	real scalar i

	// Rowvector used to store the names of the files to download
	string rowvector filenames

	// Loop over the IDs passed to the method
	for (i = 1; i <= cols(ids); i++) {

		// Calls the download handler method
		this.downloadHandler(this.getFileNames(ids[1, i], files), savepath)

	} // End of the loop over the result set

} // End of the method definition for downloading by ID values

// Defines method to retrieve file names
string rowvector Ipeds::getFileNames(string scalar id, | real scalar files) {

	// Container to store results
	string rowvector fileNames

	// If user passes a single argument assume both file names should be returned
	if (args() == 1) fileNames = select((*db)[., (4, 5)], (*db)[., 6] :== id)

	// If there are multiple arguments passed
	else {

		// Value of 0 used to return both results
		if (files == 0) fileNames = select((*db)[., (4, 5)], (*db)[., 6] :== id)

		// Value of 1 used to return the data file name only
		else if (files == 1) fileNames = (select((*db)[., 4], (*db)[., 6] :== id), "")

		// Any other value returns only the Stata script file name
		else fileNames = ("", select((*db)[., 5], (*db)[., 6] :== id))

	} // End ELSE Block for arguments passed

	// Returns the string rowvector with the file names

} // End of Method definition

// Defines a method to handle the downloading and decompression of the files
void Ipeds::downloadHandler(string rowvector files, string rowvector savepath) {

	// Variable to store status code from directory changing
	real scalar dirstatus

	// String used to construct the Stata command to copy the files
	string scalar copycmd, unzipcmd, datapath, scriptpath

	// If user specifies two different paths
	if (cols(savepath) == 2) {

		// Path for data files is first
		datapath = savepath[1, 1]

		// Path for script files is second
		scriptpath = savepath[1, 2]

	} // End IF Block for multiple save paths

	// If a single path is passed to the function
	else {

		// Data path is the sole element
		datapath = savepath[1, 1]

		// Script path is the same element
		scriptpath = savepath[1, 1]

	} // End ELSE Block for single save path

	// Start of the string
	copycmd = "copy " + this.ipedsroot

	// Add command name to the unzipcmd string
	unzipcmd = "unzipfile "

	// Test if position for the data file name is blank
	if (files[1, 1] != "") {

		// Changes directory to the data directory path
		dirstatus = _chdir(datapath)

		// Copies the first file
		stata(copycmd + files[1, 1] + " " + datapath + files[1, 1])

		// Executes the unzipfile command to decompress the downloaded file
		stata(unzipcmd + datapath + files[1, 1])

		// Now erase the .zip file to clean up the harddrive
		unlink(datapath + files[1, 1])

	} // End IF Block for valid data file

	// If user wants to download data and script this will handle retrieving the
	// script file
	if (files[1, 2] != "") {

		// Changes directory to the path to use for scripts
		dirstatus = _chdir(scriptpath)

		// Executes the copy command to copy the script file
		stata(copycmd + files[1, 2] + " " + scriptpath + files[1, 2])

		// Executes the unzipfile command to decompress the downloaded file
		stata(unzipcmd + scriptpath + files[1, 2])

		// Remove the zip file for the script files
		stata("erase " + scriptpath + files[1, 2])

	} // End IF Block for valid Stata script files

} // End of the downloadHandler method definition

// Method to print search results to screen again
void Ipeds::replaySearch() {

	// Make sure the matrix has values to display first
	if (this.searchResults != NULL) (*this.searchResults)[., (1..4)]

	// If it doesn't display a message
	else printf("You need to search IPEDS prior to replaying the search results")

} // End of replay method

// Defines method for searching all available files and returning file names
string matrix Ipeds::search(| 	string scalar years,
								string scalar surveys,
								string scalar titles,
								string scalar ids,
								string scalar revised,
								string scalar preliminary) {

	// Need string scalars to handle missing options
	string scalar f1, f2, f3, f6, f7, f8

	// If the year value isn't specified use a wildcard regex
	if (ustrregexm(years, "[0-9]+") != 1) f1 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied year value
	else f1 = years

	// If no survey name is passed use a wildcard regex
	if (surveys == "") f2 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied value
	else f2 = surveys

	// If no survey title is passed use a wildcard regex
	if (titles == "") f3 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied value
	else f3 = titles

	// If an invalid id value is passed use a wildcard regex
	if (regexm(ids, "[0-9]+") != 1) f6 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied year value
	else f6 = ids

	// If no value for revised only is passed use a wildcard regex
	if (revised != "" | revised != "1" | revised != "0") f7 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied value
	else f7 = revised

	// If no value for preliminary only is passed use a wildcard regex
	if (preliminary == "" | preliminary != "1" | preliminary != "0") f8 = ".*"

	// Otherwise use the supplied value
	else f8 = preliminary

	// Select all the records that match across the regex parameters and return
	// the data set name and the script file name
	this.searchResults = &select(this.ipedsdb[., (6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)],
							rowsum((ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 1], f1, 1),
									ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 2], f2, 1),
									ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 3], f3, 1),
									ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 6], f6, 1),
									ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 7], f7, 1),
									ustrregexm(this.ipedsdb[., 8], f8, 1))) :== 6)

	// Returns the string matrix

} // End of Method definition for search functionality

// Method to print all available years to the string
void Ipeds::listAllYears() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nYears Available : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the years pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.years); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("\n\t%s", (*this.years)[i, 1])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print all survey names to the screen
void Ipeds::listAllSurveys() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nSurveys Available : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the survey pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.surveys); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("\n\t%s", (*this.surveys)[i, 1])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print all survey titles to the screen
void Ipeds::listAllTitles() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nTitles Available : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the title pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.titles); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("\n\t%s", (*this.titles)[i, 1])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print the list of all revised data to screen
void Ipeds::listAllRevised() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nRevised Data Available : \n\n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.revised); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("Survey Year\t-\t%s\nSurvey Name\t-\t%s\nSurvey Title\t-\t%s\nID Number\t-\t%s\n\n",
							(*this.revised)[i, 1],
							(*this.revised)[i, 2],
							(*this.revised)[i, 3],
							(*this.revised)[i, 4])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print the list of all preliminary released data to screen
void Ipeds::listAllPreliminary() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nPreliminary Data Available : \n\n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.preliminary); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("Survey Year\t-\t%s\nSurvey Name\t-\t%s\nSurvey Title\t-\t%s\nID Number\t-\t%s\n\n",
							(*this.preliminary)[i, 1],
							(*this.preliminary)[i, 2],
							(*this.preliminary)[i, 3],
							(*this.preliminary)[i, 4])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print the list of all revised data to screen
void Ipeds::listAllData() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nIPEDS Data Available : \n\n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.db); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("Survey Year\t-\t%s\nSurvey Name\t-\t%s\nSurvey Title\t-\t%s\nID Number\t-\t%s\nRevised\t\t-\t%s\nPreliminary\t-\t%s\n\n",
							(*this.db)[i, 1],
							(*this.db)[i, 2],
							(*this.db)[i, 3],
							(*this.db)[i, 4],
							(*this.db)[i, 7],
							(*this.db)[i, 8])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Function to retrieve string matrix with look up data
string matrix Ipeds::getIpeds() {

	// Allocates variables for the search and save paths
	string scalar searchpath, savepath, compiled

	// Matrix file will get stored in subdirectory of PERSONAL path
	savepath = pathsubsysdir("PERSONAL")

	// Only search in present directory and i subdirectory of PERSONAL
	searchpath = pathjoin(savepath, "i") + ";" + pwd()

	compiled = findfile("ipedsdb.mmat", searchpath)

	// If a compiled version of the matrix exists on the search path, call
	// the function to load the matrix from the binary file
	if (compiled != "") return(loadCompiledMatrix(compiled))

	// Otherwise call the function to read/parse the csv file from disk
	else return(loadRawMatrix(savepath))

} // End of function definition

// Check to see if necessary directory structure exists
void Ipeds::checkDirectory(string scalar savepath) {

	// Checks to see if there is an i subdirectory off of PERSONAL on the adopath
	if (direxists(pathjoin(savepath, "i")) != 1) {

		// If that doesn't exist and the PERSONAL directory doesn't exist, create
		// the PERSONAL directory
		if (direxists(savepath) != 1) mkdir(savepath)

		// Make the i subdirectory in PERSONAL
		mkdir(pathjoin(savepath, "i"))

	} // End of IF Block

} // End of function definition

// Function to parse the matrix from a CSV flat file
string matrix Ipeds::loadRawMatrix(string scalar savepath) {

	// Object used to store all of the data
	string matrix ipedsdb

	// Initializes string matrix
	ipedsdb = J(963, 8, "")

	// dbfh csv file handle, i = iterator, writer = file handle for writing to disk
	real scalar dbfh, i, writer

	// colraw stores headers, csvpath stores location of csv, line used to store
	// individual records from file temporarily
	string scalar csvpath, line

	// Calls the checkDirectory method defined above

	// Gets fully qualified file path to csv file
	csvpath = findfile("ipedsdb.csv")

	// Opens file connection with CSV file
	dbfh = fopen(csvpath, "r")

	// Opens file connection to `c(personal)'/i/ipedsdb.mmat to store the data
	writer = fopen(pathjoin(savepath, "i") + "/ipedsdb.mmat", "w")

	// Gets column headers
	this.colraw = fget(dbfh)

	// Iterates over the rows of the csv file
	for (i = 1; i <= rows(ipedsdb); i++) {

		// Gets the ith record
		line = fget(dbfh)

		// Stores this record in the string matrix along with a record ID
		ipedsdb[i, (1..6)] = (select(tokens(line, ","),
								tokens(line, ",") :!= ","),

		ipedsdb[i, (7, 8)] = (	strofreal(regexm(ipedsdb[i, 3], "revised")),
								strofreal(regexm(ipedsdb[i, 3], "preliminary")))

	} // End of Loop over records in CSV file

	// Closes file connection to csv file

	// Writes string matrix to disk in binary format
	fputmatrix(writer, ipedsdb)

	// Closes file connection to binary matrix file

	// Returns the string matrix

} // End of function definition

// If compiled matrix exists use this function for loading
string matrix Ipeds::loadCompiledMatrix(string scalar path) {

	// File handle value
	real scalar fh

	// Object to store string matrix
	string matrix ipeds

	// Open read only connection to file
	fh = fopen(path, "r")

	// Load the string matrix
	ipeds = fgetmatrix(fh)

	// Close the file connection

	// Return the string matrix

} // End of function definition

// Method to print unique combinations of survey names and survey years to screen
void Ipeds::listSurveysByYear() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nSurveys by Year : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the surveyByYearIDs pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.surveyByYearIDs); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
			(*this.surveyByYearIDs)[i, 3],
			(*this.surveyByYearIDs)[i, 1],
			(*this.surveyByYearIDs)[i, 2])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print unique combinations of titles and survey years to screen
void Ipeds::listTitlesByYear() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nTitles by Year : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the titleByYearIDs pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.titleByYearIDs); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("\n\tID\t-\t%s\tYear\t-\t%s\nTitle : %s\n",
			(*this.titleByYearIDs)[i, 3],
			(*this.titleByYearIDs)[i, 1],
			(*this.titleByYearIDs)[i, 2])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// Method to print unique combinations of titles and survey names to screen
void Ipeds::listTitlesBySurvey() {

	// Declares iterator for loop below
	real scalar i

	// Prints heading for the returned results
	printf("\nTitles by Survey Names : \n")

	// Loops over the records referenced by the titleBySurveyIDs pointer
	for(i = 1; i <= rows(*this.titleBySurveyIDs); i++) {

		// Prints a formatted string with each datum on its own line
		printf("\n\tID\t-\t%s\tSurvey\t-\t%s\nTitle : %s\n",
			(*this.titleBySurveyIDs)[i, 3],
			(*this.titleBySurveyIDs)[i, 1],
			(*this.titleBySurveyIDs)[i, 2])

	} // End of Loop

} // End of Method definition

// End of the class definition


Use your ado wrapper to instantiate the object with the same name.

// Define program
prog def ipeds, rclass

	// Set minimum version required
	version 14.0

	// Define syntax
	syntax anything(name = subcmd id = "Need to provide ipeds subcommand.")  ///
	[, Years(passthru) SURVeys(passthru) TItles(passthru) REvised(passthru)  ///
	PRELiminary(passthru) ids(passthru)	FROMSearch SAVEPath(passthru) 		 ///
	FILETypes(passthru) ]

	// Stores the current working directory
	loc current `c(pwd)'

	// Splits the sub command local into ipedssub and ipedsopt
	gettoken ipedssub ipedsopt : subcmd

	// Check for existence of Ipeds instance named ipeds
	mata: st_local("ipedsExists", strofreal(findexternal("ipeds") == NULL))

	// If the ipeds object doesn't exist initialize it
	if `ipedsExists' == 1 mata: ipeds = Ipeds()

	// Defines rootpath for downloads
	// Deprecated...storing this in Mata object persistently
	// loc root ""

	// If subcommand is for searching ipeds
	if `"`ipedssub'"' == "search" {

		// Calls search subroutine
		ipeds_search, `years' `surveys' `titles' `revised' `preliminary'

		// Returns value passed to the years parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_years `r(ipeds_search_years)'

		// Returns value passed to the survey names parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_surveys `r(ipeds_search_surveys)'

		// Returns value passed to the survey titles parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_titles `r(ipeds_search_titles)'

		// Returns value passed to the revised data parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_revised `r(ipeds_search_revised)'

		// Returns value passed to the preliminary results parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_preliminary `r(ipeds_search_preliminary)'

		// Returns value passed to the ids parameter
		ret loc ipeds_search_ids `r(ipeds_search_ids)'

		// Returns indicator that a search was performed
		ret loc ipeds_searched `r(ipeds_searched)'

	} // End IF Block for ipeds search subcommand

	// Check if the subcommand is browse
	else if `"`ipedssub'"' == "browse" {

		// Calls browse subroutine
		ipeds_browse `ipedsopt'

		// Returns a local macro indicating what was browsed
		ret loc ipeds_browsed `r(ipeds_browsed)'

	} // End of ELSE IF Block for browse sub command

	// If sub command is download
	else if `"`ipedssub'"' == "download" {

		// Calls download subroutine
		ipeds_download, `years' `surveys' `titles' `revised' `preliminary'  ///
		`ids' `fromsearch' `savepath' `filetypes' returnto(`current')

		// Returns indicator of which download method was used
		ret loc ipeds_download `r(ipeds_download)'

	} // End ELSE IF Block for downloading files

	// If not one of the available subcommands
	else {

		// Print to the results window
		di as err "Invalid ipeds subcommand.  See " in smcl {help ipeds} 	 ///
		as err "for valid subcommands"

		// Issue generic error code
		err 198

	} // End ELSE Block for handling syntax errors

// End of ipeds program

// Subroutine for searching
prog def ipeds_search, rclass

	// Defines calling syntax
	syntax [ , years(string asis) surveys(string asis) titles(string asis) ///
	revised(string asis) preliminary(string asis) ids(string asis) istest ]

	// Calls search functionality
	mata:"`years'", "`surveys'", "`titles'", "`ids'", 		 ///
	"`revised'", "`preliminary'")

	// Sets the ipeds_search_years return macro with the value of years
	ret loc ipeds_search_years `years'

	// Sets the ipeds_search_surveys return macro with the value of surveys
	ret loc ipeds_search_surveys `surveys'

	// Sets the ipeds_search_titles return macro with the value of titles
	ret loc ipeds_search_titles `titles'

	// Sets the ipeds_search_revised return macro with the value of revised data
	ret loc ipeds_search_revised `revised'

	// Sets the ipeds_search_preliminary return macro with the value of
	// preliminary release data parameter
	ret loc ipeds_search_preliminary `preliminary'

	// Sets the ipeds_search_ids return macro with the value of record IDs
	ret loc ipeds_search_ids `ids'

	// Sets the ipeds_searched macro
	ret loc ipeds_searched "searched"

// End of search subroutine

// Subroutine to list available data
prog def ipeds_browse, rclass

	// Defines calling syntax
	syntax [ anything(name = what id = "Need to specify what to list") ]

	// If the sub-sub command is years will list all unique values of years
	if `"`what'"' == "years" mata: ipeds.listAllYears()

	// If the sub-sub command is surveys will list all unique survey names
	else if `"`what'"' == "surveys" mata: ipeds.listAllSurveys()

	// If the sub-sub command is titles will list all unique survey titles
	else if `"`what'"' == "titles" mata: ipeds.listAllTitles()

	// If the sub-sub command is revised will list all records that include the
	// keyword revised in the title field
	else if `"`what'"' == "revised" mata: ipeds.listAllRevised()

	// If the sub-sub command is preliminary will list all records that are
	// marked as preliminary release files
	else if `"`what'"' == "preliminary" mata: ipeds.listAllPreliminary()

	// If the sub-sub command is years will list all unique values of years
	else if ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(ye?a?r?s?+)") == 1 & 					 ///
			ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(su?r?v?e?y?s?)") == 1 {

		// Call method to return list of surveys by year
		mata: ipeds.listSurveysByYear()

	} // End ELSE IF Block for fuzzy year/survey match

	// If the sub-sub command is years will list all unique values of years
	else if ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(ye?a?r?s?+)") == 1 & 					 ///
			ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(ti?t?l?e?s?)") == 1 {

		// Call method to return list of titles by year
		mata: ipeds.listTitlesByYear()

	} // End ELSE IF Block for fuzzy year/title match

	// If the sub-sub command is years will list all unique values of years
	else if ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(ti?t?l?e?s?)") == 1 & 					 ///
			ustrregexm(`"`what'"', "(su?r?v?e?y?s?)") == 1 {

		// Call method to return list of titles by survey name
		mata: ipeds.listTitlesBySurvey()

	} // End ELSE IF Block for fuzzy title/survey match

	// Otherwise display all records
	else mata: ipeds.listAllData()

	// Returns local containing the specific browse keywords used
	ret loc ipeds_browse `what'

// End of list subroutine

// Define download subroutine
prog def ipeds_download, rclass

	// Calling syntax for download functionality
	syntax [, ids(string asis) FROMSearch SAVEPath(string) 			 ///
	FILETypes(real 0) returnto(string asis) ]

	// Test for valid filetypes values
	if !inrange(`filetypes', 0, 2) {

		// Print more informative error message to results window
		di as err "filetypes parameter must be one of 0, 1, or 2.  See "	 ///
		in smcl "{help ipeds}" as err " for additional information."

		// Returns error code
		err 198

	} // End IF Block for in appropriate filetype passed

	// If user specifies two save paths assume it is data then script
	if `: word count `savepath'' == 2 gettoken datapath scriptpath : savepath

	// If a single path is passed to the savepath parameter
	else {

		// Set data path to the single path from the parameter
		loc datapath `savepath'

		// Set script path to the single path from the parameter
		loc scriptpath `savepath'

	} // End ELSE Block for single save path

	// Makes sure path ends with a path delimiter
	if !inlist(substr(`"`datapath'"', -1, 1), "/", "\") == 1 loc datapath `"`datapath'/"'

	// Makes sure path ends with a path delimiter
	if !inlist(substr(`"`scriptpath'"', -1, 1), "/", "\") == 1 loc scriptpath `"`scriptpath'/"'

	// If download is based on most recent search results
	if `"`fromsearch'"' == "fromsearch" {

		// Call the download by search method
		mata: ipeds.downloadBySearch(("`datapath'", "`scriptpath'"), `filetypes')

		// Define returned local macro
		ret loc ipeds_download "Downloaded from search results"

	} // End IF block for downloading from search results

	// If not a search based download
	else {

		// Parse the id values into a rowvector string
		loc dlids "(`: subinstr loc ids " " ", ", all')"

		// Call the download by ID method with the IDs passed
		mata: ipeds.downloadByID(`dlids', ("`datapath'", "`scriptpath'"), `filetypes')

		// Define returned local macro
		ret loc ipeds_download "Downloaded from ID values"

	} // End ELSE Block for downloading by specific IDs

	// Moves back to the initial directory when this subroutine was called
	cd "`returnto'"

// End of download subroutine definition


What happens when you try to create an object after ipeds is already created?

. run ipeds.mata
. mata
----------------------------------- mata (type end to exit) -----------------------------
: ipeds = Ipeds()

: ipeds2 = Ipeds()
Object ipeds of class Ipeds already exists.
Use the existing ipeds object instead.

// The object named ipeds2 doesn't work because it shouldn't have been initialized and
// the warning above told us not to use this object, but use the one named ipeds instead.
:"", "", "", "223")
         Ipeds::search():  3301  subscript invalid
                 :     -  function returned error

// Calling the same method on the Ipeds object named ipeds works without issue.
:"", "", "", "223")
     1     2                               3                      4                      5                 6
 | 223  2010   Institutional Characteristics  Directory information  |

Wrapping up

  • Use a singleton to reduce unnecessary I/O operations.
  • Remember: no functions to search the namespace by eltype currently.
  • Using programming/design patterns can make it easier for you - and others - to contribute and extend your work.