reshape wide can provide a benefit to long sparse datasets.
If sparsity is due to inferable value:
reshape long ..., i(idvariables)
drop if condition
save optimalSizeFile.dta, replace
Use the Python API to store data in compressed formats.
// Clear data from memory
// Set the pseudorandom number seed
set seed 7779311
// Set a local for the number of observations
loc obs 1000000
// Set a local for the number of score variables
loc nscores 500
// Set the average number of scores observed for the observations
loc muscores 10
// Set the number of observations in the dataset
set obs `obs'
// Create an ID variable
g long id = _n
// Create a variable for the number of scores observed for each observation
g byte nscores = rpoisson(`muscores')
// Expand the dataset to create the score variable indices
expandcl `nscores', cl(id) gen(scidx)
// Create index within id
bys id: g int scoreidx = _n
// Create a random uniform to shuffle the scores within individuals
bys id: g double shuffle = runiform()
// Sort the data within id by the shuffle variable
sort id shuffle
// Create a new variable with a score for nscores scores within each individual
by id: g byte value = round(runiformint(0, 100), 10) if _n <= nscores
// Create an indicator for whether the individual has a specific score
g byte has = !mi(value)
// Get rid of the variable I had to generate with expandcl
drop scidx shuffle
// Save the version of the file that is long, but not fully optimized
qui: save sparseLong.dta, replace
// Size 5245.21M
// Memory 6208M
// Reshape the data into a common form that is extremely sparse
greshape wide value has, i(id) j(scoreidx) nochecks
// save in this format
qui: save sparseWide.dta, replace
// Size 958.44M
// Memory 1248M
// Make long again
greshape long value has, i(id) j(scoreidx) nochecks
// Size 5245.21M
// Memory 6208M
// Keep only records that have data
keep if !mi(has, value)
// Size 104.91M
// Memory 192M
// Save a copy of the file with the redundant variable
qui: save denseWRedundancy.dta, replace
// Get rid of redundant indicator
drop has
// Size 95.37M
// Memory 160M
// Save with full optimization
qui: save denseWORedundancy.dta, replace
// See disk use:
! ls -ohU *se*.dta
sparseLong.dta 4.2G
sparseWide.dta 960M
denseWRedundancy.dta 105M
denseWORedundancy.dta 96M
String Storage
strL can help with storage.
strL can help with memory too.
Both cases depend on string length and repeated values.
// Defines a mata function used to create random strings
// Start mata interpreter
// Clear anything from Mata's memory
mata clear
// Does not return anything
void rstring(real scalar obs, real scalar strlen, string scalar varnm) {
// Declare variable to store the ASCII values of the random string
real matrix idchars
// Declare variable to store the string from the ASCII codes in idchars
string matrix ids
// Declares a variable to iterate over the matrices
real scalar i
// Creates a matrix of random ints used to create mappings to ASCII
// with dimensions of observations by number of characters in the ID
idchars = runiformint(obs, strlen, 48, 123)
// Creates the matrix to store the ID strings
ids = J(obs, 1, "")
// Iterate over the rows of the ID chars matrix
for(i = 1; i <= obs; i++) {
// Convert the row vector into a string scalar and store it
ids[i, 1] = char(idchars[i, .])
} // End loop over the matrix
// Store the ID strings in the Stata dataset
st_sstore(., varnm, ids)
} // End Mata Function definition
// End the Mata interpreter
// Loop over values of string lengths
foreach i in 10 13 44 45 55 {
// Clear data from memory
// Set the pseudorandom number seed
set seed 7779311
// Set a local for the number of observations
loc obs 1000000
// Set a local for the length of the string ID 15 seems to be the point where
// the strL is more efficient
loc strlen `i'
// Set the average number of repeated observations per individual
loc mureps 8
// Set the number of observations in the dataset
set obs `obs'
// Create the container for the IDs
g str`strlen' id = ""
// Populate the ID variable using the Mata function defined above
mata: rstring(`obs', `strlen', "id")
// Create the number of repeated observations per individual
g byte iobs = rpoisson(`mureps')
// Expand the dataset to create the repeated observations
expandcl iobs, cl(id) gen(newcl)
// Drop the variables that aren't needed
drop newcl iobs
// Create a time variable with the sequence of records per individual
bys id: g byte time = _n
// Store the example dataset
save savedAsstr`strlen'.dta, replace
// Get memory report
// sort the dataset
sort id time
// Recast the ids to strLs
recast strL id
// Store the compressed dataset
qui: save savedAsstr`strlen'L.dta, replace
// Get the memory report after recasting to strL
// See if compress recasts the strL
compress, coalesce
} // End loop over string lengths
// String Length | Recasted Type
// 10 | str10
// 13 | str13
// 44 | str44
// 45 | strL
// 55 | strL
// Get the file sizes for each of the two files
! ls -ohU savedAsstr*.dta
savedAsstr10.dta 84M
savedAsstr10L.dta 99M
savedAsstr13.dta 107M
savedAsstr13L.dta 102M
savedAsstr44.dta 344M
savedAsstr44L.dta 131M
savedAsstr45.dta 352M
savedAsstr45L.dta 132M
savedAsstr55.dta 428M
savedAsstr55L.dta 142M
Inefficient Data Typing
Always specify types at creation: g byte adummy = mi(brains)