Simulating color sight impairments on one or more colors

brewcbsim – a program to simulate how a given color would be perceived by individuals with achromatopsia, protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia.


brewcbsim RGB value | named color style


brewcbsim is used to simulate how a given color (specified as an RGB tuple in [0,255]) would be perceived by individuals with color sight impairments.


Ex 1.

Green channel dominant color.

brewcbsim "63 210 142"


Ex 2.

Blue channel dominant color.

brewcbsim "8 151 233"


Ex 3.

Red channel dominant color

brewcbsim "182 33 43"


Ex 4.

An XKCD named color style, with green, blue, and red dominant colors, and a StataCorp named colorstyle

brewcbsim xkcd119 "63 210 142" "8 151 233" "182 33 43" bluishgray8


Ex 5.

Colors that are typically associated with sensitivity to color perception

brewcbsim red green blue yellow


Returned Values

Macro NameValue
r(original#)The RGB value for the nth color passed to the command
r(achromatopsic#)Transformed RGB value for the nth color (Complete Color Vision Loss)
r(protanopic#)Transformed RGB value for the nth color (Red Color Impairment)
r(deuteranopic#)Transformed RGB value for the nth color (Green Color Impairment)
r(tritanopic#)Transformed RGB value for the nth color (Blue Color Impairment)


Lindbloom, B. (2001). RGB working space information. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 24nov2015.

Meyer, G. W., & Greenberg, D. P. (1988). Color-Defective Vision and Computer Graphics Displays. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 8(5), pp. 28-40.

Smith, V. C., & Pokorny, J. (2005). Spectral sensitivity of the foveal cone photopigments between 400 and 500nm. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22(10), pp. 2060-2071.

Wickline, M. (2014). Color.Vision.Simulate, Version 0.1. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: 24nov2015