Command to generate customized scheme files.

brewscheme – A program for easy generation of customized graph scheme files.


brewscheme , schemename(scheme name) [ replace
allstyle(string)allcolors(real 3)allsaturation(real 100)
somestyle(string)somecolors(real 3)somesaturation(real 100)
barstyle(string)barcolors(real 3)barsaturation(real 100)
scatstyle(string)scatcolors(real 3)scatsaturation(real 100)
areastyle(string)areacolors(real 3)areasaturation(real 100)
linestyle(string)linecolors(real 3)linesaturation(real 100)
boxstyle(string)boxcolors(real 3)boxsaturation(real 100)
dotstyle(string)dotcolors(real 3)dotsaturation(real 100)
piestyle(string)piecolors(real 3)piesaturation(real 100)
sunstyle(string)suncolors(real 4)sunsaturation(real 100)
histstyle(string)histcolors(real 3)histsaturation(real 100)
cistyle(string)cicolors(real 3)cisaturation(real 100)
matstyle(string)matcolors(real 3)matsaturation(real 100)
reflstyle(string)reflcolors(real 3)reflsaturation(real 100)
refmstyle(string)refmcolors(real 3)refmsaturation(real 100)
constart(string)conend(string)consaturation(real 100)


brewscheme is a command to help Stata users developing graph schemes using research-based color palettes. Unlike other uses of the color palettes developed by Brewer (see References below), this program allows users to specify the number of colors from any of the 59 color palettes they would like to use and allows users to mix/combine different palettes for the various graph types available in Stata. Since starting the program, it has grown to include color resources from: d3.scale.category10(), d3.scale.category20(), d3.scale.category20b(), and d3.scale.category20c() from the D3js library; default colors used by ggplot2 for 2-24 colors; semantic color mappings studied by Lin, Fortuna, Kulkarni, Stone, & Heer (2013); and additional colors are in the process of being added.

Available Palettes

To view information about the available palettes as well as to view previews of each of the palettes, please see the brewviewer documentation.


schemename is used to name the scheme that will be created by the program. Unless absolutely necessary, I highly recommend avoiding embedded spaces in these file names.

replace if the source dataset containing the color palettes is not found or the user specifies the refresh option, colorbrewscheme will rebuild the source data set to generate the scheme files.

symbols is an optional argument used to define the type of marks to use - and the order in which to use them - for graphs that include individual points. For a quick list of available options use graph query symbolstyle.

Single Color Palettes and Default Color Palettes

allstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for all graph types.

allcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the allstyle option.

allsaturation Used to set the color intensity for all graph types.

somestyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for graph types without specified color palettes.

somecolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the somestyle option.

somesaturation Used to set the color intensity for graph types without specified color palettes.

themefile Is an optional argument used to supply brewscheme with a theme file created by brewtheme. Theme files are used to control global aesthetic properties (e.g., background/foreground colors, text sizes, symbol sizes, etc…) that are typically independent of the data being visualized. See brewtheme for additional information.

Individual Graph Types

Bar Graphs

barstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette that will be used to define colors for bar graphs.

barcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the barstyle option.

barsaturation Used to set the color intensity for bar graphs.


scatstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette that will be used for scatter plots.

scatcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the scatstyle option.

scatsaturation Used to set the color intensity for scatterplots.

Area Graphs

areastyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for area graphs

areacolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the areastyle option.

areasaturation Used to set the color intensity for area graphs.

Line Graphs

linestyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for line graphs.

linecolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the linestyle option.

linesaturation Used to set the color intensity for line graphs.

Box Plots

boxstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for box plots.

boxcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the allstyle option.

boxsaturation Used to set the color intensity for box plots.

Dot Plots

dotstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for dot plots.

dotcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the dotstyle option.

dotsaturation Used to set the color intensity for dot plots.

Pie Graphs

piestyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for pie graphs.

piecolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the piestyle option.

piesaturation Used to set the color intensity for pie graphs.

Sunflower Plots

sunstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for sunflower plots. Note, only the first four colors will be used.

suncolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the sunstyle option.

sunsaturation Used to set the color intensity for sunflower plots.


histstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for histograms.

histcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the histstyle option.

histsaturation Used to set the color intensity for histograms.

Confidence Intervals

cistyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for graphs containing confidence intervals.

cicolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the cistyle option.

cisaturation Used to set the color intensity for confidence intervals.

Scatterplot Matrices

matstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for scatter plot matrices.

matcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the matstyle option.

matsaturation Used to set the color intensity for scatterplot matrices.

Reference Lines

reflstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to be used for reference lines.

reflcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the reflstyle option.

reflsaturation Used to set the color intensity for reference lines.

Reference Markers

refmstyle The lower-cased name of a color palette to use for reference markers.

refmcolors The maximum number of colors to use from the palette specifed by the refmstyle option.

refmsaturation Used to set the color intensity for reference markers.

Contour Plots

constart Defines the starting color to be used for contour plots using standard colorstyles from Stata.

conend Defines the ending color to be used for contour plots using standard colorstyles from Stata.


Ex 1.

Generate a graph scheme using the set1 color brewer palette for all graphs. Use the first five colors of the palette and set the color intensity to 80 for each of the graphs.

brewscheme, scheme(set1) allst(set1) allc(5) allsat(80)

Ex 2.

Generate a graph scheme using the set1 color brewer palette for scatterplots, pastel1 for bar graphs, and brown to blue-green for all other graph types. Use the default values of colors and intensity for each.

brewscheme, scheme(mixed1) scatst(set1) barst(pastel1) somest(brbg)

Ex 3.

Uses a combination of D3js palettes, combined with ggplot2 default palettes and themefile.

// Shows combination of D3js color palettes
brewscheme, scheme(mixed2) scatst(category10) scatc(5) barst(category20) 	///   
barc(15) boxsty(category20b) boxc(13) somesty(ggplot2) somec(7) themef(ggtheme)

Ex 4.

Distinct Color Palette for Each Graph Type.

// Create a graph scheme with a distinct color palette for each graph type
brewscheme, scheme(myriadColorPalettes) barst(paired) barc(12) dotst(prgn)  ///   
dotc(7) scatstyle(set1) scatc(7) linest(pastel2) linec(5) boxstyle(accent)  ///   
boxc(7) areast(dark2) areac(6) piest(mdepoint) sunst(greys)                 ///   
histst(veggiese) cist(activitiesa) matst(spectral) reflst(purd)             ///   
refmst(set3) const(ylgn) cone(puor)

Note, this program only creates the scheme file. To achieve the intended effect, you must use the scheme file in your subsequent graph commands:

sysuse auto.dta, clear
gr box mpg, over(rep78) scheme(mixed1)

Ex 5.

Create a mono color scheme with three colors; this will cause all layers beyond the third to not be drawn (e.g., there won’t be colors defined for Stata to use to assign colors to points/lines, etc…).

brewscheme, scheme(onecolorex1) allsty(ggplot2)

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx1

Ex 6.

Use the ggplot2 color palette with s2color theme settings; this uses 4 colors to help highlight how these cases are handled by Stata

brewscheme, scheme(onecolorex2) allsty(ggplot2) allc(4) themef(s2theme)

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx2

Ex 7.

Now five colors from same palette using the ggplot2 inspired theme

brewscheme, scheme(ggplot2ex1) allsty(ggplot2) allc(5) themef(ggtheme)

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx3

Ex 8.

An Example showing the use of the some parameters

brewscheme, scheme(somecolorex1) somest(ggplot2) somec(7) linest(dark2)     ///   
linec(3) cist(pastel2) cic(6) scatsty(category10) scatc(10)

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx4

Ex 9.

An example showing a different color palette/number of colors for each graph type

brewscheme, scheme(manycolorex1) barst(paired) barc(12) dotst(prgn) dotc(7) ///   
scatstyle(set1) scatc(8) linest(pastel2) linec(7) boxstyle(accent) boxc(4)  ///
areast(dark2) areac(5) piest(mdepoint) sunst(greys) histst(veggiese)        ///   
cist(activitiesa) matst(spectral) reflst(purd) refmst(set3) const(ylgn)     ///   

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx5

Ex 10.

Using different numbers of colors from the same scheme to highlight differences and showing the use of the symbols parameter

brewscheme, scheme(ggplot2ex2) const(orange) cone(blue) consat(20)          ///   
scatst(ggplot2) scatc(5) piest(ggplot2) piec(6) barst(ggplot2) barc(2)      ///   
linest(ggplot2) linec(2) areast(ggplot2) areac(5) somest(ggplot2) somec(15) ///   
cist(ggplot2) cic(3) themef(ggtheme) symbols(diamond triangle square)

Graph created with the scheme defined above. Code for graph production is available in Example 11. brewschemeEx6

Ex 11.

Show output of the same graph with different schemes created by brewscheme and brewtheme.

// Load the auto.dta dataset
sysuse auto.dta, clear

// Loop over the schemes
foreach scheme in onecolorex1 onecolorex2 ggplot2ex1 somecolorex1           ///   
manycolorex1 ggplot2ex2 { 

  // Create the same graph with each of the different schemes
  tw  fpfitci mpg weight ||                                                 ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 1 ||                                     ///   
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 2 ||                                     ///    
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 3 ||                                     ///    
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 4 ||                                     ///    
    scatter mpg weight if rep78 == 5,  scheme(`scheme')                     ///   
    legend(order(1 "Frac Poly" 2 "Frac Poly" 3 "1" 4 "2"                    ///   
    5 "3" 6 "4" 7 "5")) name(`scheme', replace)
}  // End of Loop over scheme files


Bostock, M., Ogievetsky, V., & Heer, J. (2011). D3: data driven documents. IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics. 17(12) pp 2301 - 2309. Retrieved from

Brewer, C. A. (2002). Color Brewer 2. [Computer Software]. State College, PA: Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower, and The Pennsylvania State University

Krzywinski, M. (2015). Color palettes for color blindness. Retrieved on: 22nov2015. Retrieved from:

Lin, S., Fortuna, J., Kulkarni, C., Stone, M., {c 38} Heer, J. (2013). Selecting Semantically-Resonant Colors for Data Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum 32(3) pp. 401-410. Retrieved from

Wickham, H. (2009). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. New York City, NY: Springer Science+Business Media LLC.


Please view section 4 of the ColorBrewer copyright notice for additional information pertaining to the licensing and redistribution of ColorBrew intellectual property.


Development of this program began while I was a Strategic Data Fellow at the Mississippi Department of Education.