It’s almost that time for a version 1 release. There is currently no additional development planned for the current version of brewscheme. All features that were previously posted on todo lists for the project have been implemented and the bug that have been reported have been corrected/addressed.

The most recent release brings a few minor changes to some of the functionality of the brewcbsim program, but the remaining changes take place on the backend and/or here on the project page.

brewcbsim updates

brewcbsim now handles multiple colors and is allows users to pass either a named color style or an RGB string.

brewcbsim xkcd119 "63 210 142" "8 151 233" "182 33 43" bluishgray8


Other updates

The other updates that have been made are intended to make it easier for the end user to install/maintain the software. brewlibcheck leverages filesys.ado and the associated Java plugin to test whether or not the libbrewscheme Mata library is up to date - and if not to compile the Mata source code into the library for you.